
Student life, home

Ipapashiwe: 11.04.2018


There was a small conflict with my 2 Italian roommates, as they invite their 10-member Italian gang without asking about it every 2 days and they cook and eat together like a cute family. And I feel pretty bad next to them while trying to peacefully eat my sandwich in pajamas. They only speak Italian and they do it loudly and leave the dishes. The kitchen looks disgusting at such times, where they smoke cigarettes casually.

Nicoló (30-year-old researcher) is already a very difficult person, he frequently made remarks to me.

I talked to them and the situation didn't change much, but fortunately they will move out soon. We complained with the German girl (Desire) and we became good friends.

We will have 2 new roommates: an American football player (Abraham) and a Spanish girl. I hope the situation will change soon.



Finally, after 2 months, I ran into 3 Hungarians during the trips and after 3 months, I heard Hungarian voices on the street for the first time at the UNI building.


I try to exercise in the park every 3 days. Sometimes with a cross-fit trainer, sometimes with Austrian girls, sometimes alone.

Meeting Imre

Mátraházi Imre was here for a few days in Valencia because they organized the half-marathon race. We met, it was nice to chat with him :)

German tutoring
I thought I'd babysit once a week. I posted a notice at the nearby German school/kindergarten that I can help with German. I've already been to Raúl's place once to practice. But maybe I should learn German first.


I cook quite often (every 3 days) compared to myself. Instead of butter, I spread avocado on bread. I try to eat 1-2 fruits a day (mango, apple, ..). *pictures


In March (at the end), I bathed in the sea for the first time. I froze.


I flew home during Easter break. I thought I barely missed anyone, but when I entered our cute house, Gábor and the whole family were already there having lunch. I wasn't mentally prepared for this and shed a few tears.

It was good to meet everyone who matters. I also spent my time at home actively.

Tu: Locsolóbingo with Pibu and Irina, Laci and Zsú
Wed: Meeting with Misi
Thu: Lunch with Emese
Fri: Meeting with Dodóka
Sat: Trip with Fanni and Zsula; Sinkai Niki meeting
Sun: Zoo with Fanni and Zsula; Szvobi's birthday, Anikó; Class reunion with VPG
Mon: Lunch with young families
Tue: Meeting with Várhegyi Dóri and Eszter
