
Okuthandekayo "umnwe ophakathi"

Ipapashiwe: 13.05.2019

Southeast of Thessaloniki, I am still on the peninsula of Chalkidiki, on one of its peninsulas, Kassandra. Sithonia is another peninsula or is also known as the 'middle finger'.

After bringing Dani to the airport yesterday morning, I explored the road around Sithonia. Here too, I was fascinated by the turquoise-blue sea, wonderful bays, and the green mountains.

This morning, Kiran and I went for a nice beach walk. Now I will pack everything up and continue heading south. I wish you a good start to the week!

Update 14:26 - I am so lazy that I have decided to stay here for another night. Therefore, contrary to my plans, I will only continue tomorrow and now enjoy the Wägali ♡

Phendula (1)

Nun geht die Tour weiter nur noch mit dem treuen Valerio 🚗🐕. Gönne dir ab und zu Ruhepausen denn die Fahrt kostet noch viel Kraft. Wir folgen dir mit großem Interesse. Beste Wünsche von uns