Tandem-/Fahrradtour Europa
Tandem-/Fahrradtour Europa

Bicycle Tour Day 29

Ipapashiwe: 25.05.2017

So despite the proximity to the nuclear power plant, I woke up and set off after my usual hearty sweet breakfast.

The route today passed by some 'Chateau'. The 'Chateau de Sully-sur-Loire' is the cover picture. It mostly followed the river on the dike. The first two hours the sun was still tolerable. Then I had to put on some sunscreen. There was a pretty strong gusty wind. At least it cooled me down a bit because there were hardly any shady sections on the dike. I mostly had a tailwind or a side wind at the right angle, so I made good progress. Since I will be leaving the river tomorrow, I took some more photos of it.

Until noon, there were not many cyclists on the route for a public holiday. Which may also be due to the relatively long sunny sections on the route. In the area around Orleans, there were already significantly more people on and along the route. In one section, several African extended families met for a picnic, including hammocks, barbecue, campfire, power generator, and speakers.

From time to time, I was able to put my arms and legs in the water of a tributary of the Loire to cool off a bit.

In Orleans, I saw a few boys paddling, so I had to take a picture, even if it was a bit far away.


Distance covered: 73.39 km

Actual riding time: 4:31:01 h

Average speed: 16.3 km/h

Max. Speed: 34.6 km/h

Total elevation gain: 95 m

Overnight stay in Orleans

Phendula (3)

Hallo, lieber Uwe! Nun können wir uns auch wieder melden. Wir können deine Fahrt wieder verfolgen. Du bist ja schon ganz toll vorwärts gekommen. Hast du eine gute Unterkunft gehabt? Gönne dir auch schöne Pausen. Also, gute Weiterfahrt, die Oldis.

Sehr schöne Fotos. Mich würde interessieren, ob Du sie mit dem Handy oder mit einem Fotoapparat gemacht hast. Die berühmten Schlösser an der Loire, das geschichtsträchtige Orleans mit der gotischen Kathedrale - da hast Du heute ein richtiges Sahnehäuptchen gehabt. Nur die Jungfrau von Orleans hast Du sicher nicht getroffen, sie ist ja schon an die 600 Jahre tot.

Hallo an meine regelmäßigen Kommentatoren. Es ist immer wieder schön von euch etwas zu lesen. Für die Fotos nutze ich ein Smartphone.

Iingxelo zohambo Fransi