
Feelings of home in Mexico ❤️

Ipapashiwe: 14.05.2018

For so long, I have been traveling alone and if I were to say that I never felt homesick, I would be lying. However, since I didn't want to go home earlier, another solution had to be found. What if my family came to visit? This idea had been on the table for a while, but implementing it was not so easy.

Of course, I asked my mom right away and since she had never been outside of Europe, she was immediately enthusiastic about the idea. Since my two sisters were busy with their education, it was difficult for them to come along. And since my dad has a fear of flying, he was also out.
So, it was up to my little mom to fly around the world all by herself to visit me?? Yes! The only condition was that the destination had to be a place where my mom could fly directly without having to transfer abroad (since she would have a hard time getting around without knowing English). Mexico immediately came to mind! A friend from school had always posted such beautiful pictures and there are direct flights from Germany to Cancun. Perfect fit! After a long discussion with my dad and grandpa, we were able to convince them and my mom booked a trip to Mexico in February.
Isn't it brave? To travel alone on such a long journey at over 50 years old? I find it incredibly inspiring and I believe that everyone should take an example from it, no matter how old they are. Because one can also hope and work towards being just as brave and adventurous at that age.

A little first impression of how we enjoyed our time. Just seeing this picture now makes me nostalgic! We have to do it again!

Long live Mexico! I can confirm this as well, because it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world! The picture couldn't be more typical! But it's true.

The reunion:

On 06.04.2018, the day finally came. I flew from Puerto Escondido via Mexico City to Cancun, and my mom started from Berlin. I arrived earlier and waited for her at the airport like an excited child. And then it finally happened: the gate opened and mom came through with her two suitcases! The reunion was so emotional. After almost 6 months, I finally had her in my arms again and the feeling was strange. It was as if we had seen each other just the day before. Huh? Yes, that's right.

For me, it felt like I had seen her just the day before. It wasn't as if the connection between us had deteriorated due to the distance, no, I would almost say it had improved. (she was always great, but now it's just the icing on the cake). It can be easily explained because we talked almost every day during that time, she often helped me with decisions, and of course, she was always my point of contact for matters happening back home. (not to mention, she's the one who now opens my mail)

After drying our tears, we got on the wrong bus. In the excitement and chatter, we lost the driver from the hotel and ended up at the Hertz center (car rental). When we realized it, we quickly returned to the airport, changed buses, and fortunately, after an hour's drive, we reached the hotel in Playa del Carmen tired and cuddling. I could hardly believe my luck, finally having my beloved Mumschi next to me again!

Welcome to Playa del Carmen, dear Mom!

The hotel:

What a luxury it was! Once again, I was speechless when I realized what a fantastic vacation Mom had booked for us! The hotel was a dream: a huge complex with a beautiful beach, a great pool, 5 themed restaurants, a gym, and golf carts to get around the resort. And the best part: all-inclusive! Drinking cocktails on the beach until you drop. But the best part of all: Mom and I had our own room. I enjoyed that so much after 6 months in shared rooms with up to 12 beds. We pampered ourselves with delicious food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and whenever we were thirsty, we went to the bar and voila - we had a drink in our hand. I think we had already saved the money for accommodation alone with all the colas Mom drank :D
And I could have easily gotten used to my daily steak for dinner haha.

The view of the sunset from our balcony. After having to change our room due to party-loving Spanish girls, we ended up with an even nicer room than before.

My steak in the French-themed restaurant. With a glass of white wine, my favorite mom by my side, and the evening is perfect.

Sipping cocktails on the beach

Quality time:

We had almost 3 weeks to enjoy together, and we made the most of it. We had many lazy beach days where we still managed to experience something nice every day. For example, we discovered the animals on the resort, such as iguanas, coatimundis, toucans, and deer. We participated in the hotel's activities and joined in the foam party, I won the modeling contest and got a beach bag, we danced and did water aerobics. We had coconuts with a shot of Malibu rum, and we had lunch every day with a sea view, always watching the pelicans flying north. Of course, we also went shopping. In Playa del Carmen, there is a huge shopping street, and Mom went on a shopping spree. After all, we need a bit of Mexican feeling at the Menz house! We need it because the beautiful time passed so quickly, and we want to remember it as often as possible.

Here are some pictures of our beautiful lazy time:

One of the iguanas
The cute but cheeky coatimundis. If you were inattentive, they would snatch something from your plate while sitting outside at the tables.
The daily view of the sea from our sunbeds. Pure Caribbean!
Comparison of our skin colors at the beginning of the vacation. As you can see, Mom really needed the sun!
My Mumschi on the dream beach in Playa del Carmen ❤️
Sipping coconuts
Mom was really excited about the pelicans, and we took forever to get a nice picture of them.
Mom drinks her champagne with a straw to avoid herpes :D

What Mom brought and took with her:

Of course, Mom didn't come empty-handed. She finally brought some delicious German sweets for Pauli! I haven't enjoyed chocolate this much in a long time, you wouldn't believe it! And at the airport, Mom even had a 20-hour-old roll with Lyoner sausage. I think that was heaven for me. After such a long time, a roll again, and with meat from the butcher! Heavenly! I devoured that old roll! (Side note: I really miss good German bread!) But all of this is actually secondary because what Mom brought back was homesickness. As sad as it is, after such a long time away from home, you forget a lot. How things are going at home, certain quirks of loved ones, and many memories. It's understandable when you're busy processing new impressions day by day. I made the mistake of looking at the pictures on Mom's phone. With so many beautiful memories, you just want to go home right away. But I knew I still had something ahead of me and I gritted my teeth. I would have liked to fly back to Germany with her at the end of the vacation, but I can hold on for another two months, and I have to damn well enjoy this time because it will never come back! So, I focused even more on enjoying the time with Mom!

Mom brought back a lot. Probably an extra 5kg :D I had carried so much junk in my backpack, making it incredibly heavy. Most of it was souvenirs from around the world that would have taken up space for the coming weeks. And of course, Mom also bought a bunch of souvenirs, almost causing her suitcases to burst on the return trip.

She also brought back my longing. This longing is growing day by day, and now I can't wait to hug all my loved ones and especially my Mumschi again in July!

Hugs! Not much longer, and I'll be back ❤️

The excursions:

For once, not planning an excursion myself and without stress, just getting on the bus and following the guide's instructions. That was truly a dream come true for me! Mom and I decided on 3 excursions: a half-day tour to see a Mayan ruins and a cenote, a speedboat tour through the Sian Ka'an nature reserve, and a tour to a small island called Holbox.

Half-day Mayan ruins and cenote:

Some culture is a must. Besides, you are in Mexico, so you have to see it! The ruins in Tulum were beautiful to look at, especially since they are the only ones in the world built right by the sea. It was also very interesting to hear about the speculations. Speculations - that's right. Unfortunately, very little is known about the Mayans and their culture, so scientists can only speculate about their way of life. What purpose these ruins served and what traditions were celebrated there. It was cool, but also enough. Especially because they are simply vague speculations and the heat was unbearable at noon. Fortunately, after the visit, we went directly to a cenote.

What the hell is that? We thought the same thing. But when we both Googled it before booking the trip and Mom saw those breathtaking pictures, it was one of the most convincing arguments to travel to Mexico. Cenotes are underground caves filled with water. Due to the formation of the Yucatan Peninsula, they have become a natural phenomenon and are now the ultimate tourist attraction. There are hundreds of them, interconnected, and nobody knows how many are still hidden in the jungle. We went to one called 'Dos Ojos' (two eyes), and it was the perfect cool-down after the intense sun. See for yourself:

First, we went to TULUM

The ruins right by the beach

The view directly of the ruins. It's fascinating how the Mayans were able to build these structures so many years ago.

The entrance to the cenote, beautifully arranged

The view into the cave

You can see how clear the water was there.

Beautiful decoration! Mom and I loved that.

Sian Ka'an Nature Reserve:
This was probably the most exciting and eventful excursion we did! We first took a 2-hour bus ride south, then got on the speedboats, and the excitement started after just one minute of driving! The captain suddenly made a stop, and everyone looked eagerly to the left. A crocodile! How cool! Everything happened so quickly, we couldn't even fully comprehend it. Then we continued. Just the boat ride itself was very exciting, driving at 60km/h through the rivers, feeling amazing, especially when we had mangroves on the right and left and always tried to spot animals in them. We saw numerous bird species and termite nests. We continued to a small village where we had lunch, and then we got on another boat that took us further away from the mainland. Our next destination: turtles! And there was already one right next to the boat!! Suddenly, a round shadow appeared next to the boat, and we followed it for an eternity. At some point, after 7 to 15 minutes, the turtle had to come up for air, and it did so several times in a row. It was incredibly beautiful! There were always astonished calls when its head emerged from the water, and we got to see the whole huge creature. At this point, I was so incredibly happy to see Mom so thrilled. I was not only happy about everything we saw but especially for Mom that she can experience something so incredible and finally collect such great memories, just like I have over the past few months.

We went almost all the way from north to south

An overview of the nature reserve

The speedboat with 6 seats

Another selfie! We always had to wear life vests!

A snapshot of her taking a breath of air!

But that's still not all!

After the turtles, we went snorkeling, and I was amazed at how well Mom did! She was really enthusiastic about the things she could see underwater. It was her first time snorkeling. At 52. In the Caribbean. I was so incredibly happy for her. (I almost start crying as I write these lines) Her efforts were rewarded too. Besides beautiful colorful corals and fish, we saw a huge moray eel and even a stingray! Unbelievable!

Momschi in the water

And this is what it looks like just before getting back on the boat.

But the excitement didn't end there.....

Because next, we went swimming in a natural pool. Not far from us, there they were again: the pelicans. Hunting for food! They first fly over the water's surface and search for their prey, then turn around and plunge vertically into the water. That was the sensation for Mom! For me, Mom was THE sensation! Seeing her so enthusiastic made me smile and somehow confirmed that it was the right decision to start this journey and to have infected Mom with the travel bug.

That's what this 'natural pool' looked like. It's called that because the water there is more or less still and quickly heats up, maintaining the temperature.

And that still wasn't the end.

We still wanted to try to spot dolphins! When we had almost given up after a long search, the captain suddenly said he saw something, and all passengers on the boat were told to sit down quickly, and then it started... And there they were! 3, 4, or 5? Oh! There were definitely 7 or 8 dolphins that were practically playing with us! Even our guide had never seen anything like it before, so we were incredibly lucky! After a long time of admiring them, we left them alone and started heading back. What a beautiful day it was, you can imagine. It's worth mentioning how lucky Mom and I were: we really saw all the promised animals, and all in the wild!

They were so close to the boat!

Snapshot! I caught it at just the right moment!

Almost all of them can be seen here.

On the way back, we even saw a second crocodile! We were so lucky!

Lurking in the thicket of mangroves!

This nature was simply breathtaking. There was so much to see. Everything was so unique that it's difficult for me to describe it perfectly. It was just like in vacation brochures you find at travel agencies, or like in the Lidl booklet. Or just like in the movies. Crystal clear, turquoise water, palm trees, and the sun shining!

On the way back, Mom secretly had tears in her eyes. For her, it was simply a big wish and dream come true. Her first big trip, and in the stunning Caribbean! We talked about it often and repeatedly said how surreal it all was. I already know this feeling, especially from Hawaii and India, but meeting Mom in Mexico can still make me feel crazy!

The island Holbox:

The last excursion took us to a small island in northern Yucatan. Holbox is no longer in the Caribbean but in the Gulf of Mexico. However, it is said to be a magical little place that gives you true vacation vibes. And that's how it was! First, we took a bus to the north and then got on a boat directly. We first made a short stop at a cenote. Unfortunately, it was very crowded and not as nice. Oh well - you can't always be so lucky. But then we continued to a small bird island, and we even saw flamingos there, among countless other beautiful birds! The first time seeing them in the wild! Another highlight for us. We then went to the island and could drive around in small golf carts. It was quite funny because the streets weren't the best, of course. We went swimming in the dreamlike water and enjoyed cool drinks at the bar. Somehow, it was like a conclusion of the vacation as if it were straight out of a book!

On the way to the cenote through the mangroves

This is what the cenote looked like from above. It wasn't a typical one as it wasn't a cave, but since it is outside of the sea, it is called that.

Mom especially liked this because she loves birds

Beautiful picture!

I have done so much during my trip. I have seen and even had to use the worst toilets, but this was even new to me! I call this a ladies' toilet. They always go together anyway, so why do you need doors :D

Mom driving the golf cart

That's what a vacation looks like! I thought it was truly like a dream!

The goodbye

But somehow, everything eventually comes to an end. Even though Mom was there for a long time, the days seemed too short, and I would have liked to take Mom with me to Guatemala! We enjoyed the days so much, had so much fun, and were still a great team, so how could I just leave my mom at the security checkpoint and turn around!? Well... The flights were booked, and we knew this would eventually come. Mom could have cried at the airport again, but this time, I was brave and said that I would follow in 2 months. My tears didn't start until I sat alone in my hotel room in Cancun afterward. It was such a strange feeling, but I managed it and arrived safely in Guatemala.

One last coffee together before we had to part with heavy hearts :(

Still visible in the background, waving at me one last time.

'To Mom: you are a gift from heaven.' And as if fate wanted it that way, I saw this sign at the airport shortly after we said goodbye.

All in all, it was just an incredibly beautiful time. Mom and I not only enjoyed the lazy days, exciting excursions, and breathtaking nature but above all, the time together. I think we have once again grown closer and have collected great shared memories. I think it's appropriate for me to say 'Thank you.' Not only for the amazing vacation, but also for everything, because a mom is more than just a person, 'a mom is a gift from heaven.' She is and will remain the center of my life. The calm when my life is exciting. The valley when I find myself on the mountain full of worries and stress. The shoulder to lean on and cry on when the tears start flowing again. But also the sun that shines and completes everything when everything is perfect. Thank you, Mom, thank you for everything. Now you just have to promise me that you will never leave me. I love you infinitely!

The most beautiful woman in the world!
