
4th and 5th day Flores

Ipapashiwe: 16.09.2018

From Bajawa to Ruteng - from Ruteng to Labuan Baja. With this we have reached the western end of Flores. On the way to Ruteng you will find a homemade arak distillation apparatus. Past a lake. Impressions from the journey: huts with chickens, rice and tea fields. Cloves and coffee are dried on mats in front of the huts. The huts are made of stone, wood, bamboo and sometimes intricately woven, mostly with corrugated iron roofs. On the way, a truck blocks our way in a curve. He couldn't make it up the steep mountain road. Tomorrow boat trip to Komodo.

Phendula (2)

Wow! das sind fantastische Bilder und tolle Erlebnisse. Vielen Dank, dass Ihr uns an dieser spannenden Reise teilhaben lässt. Weiterhin alles Gute und viel Spass - geniesst es und kommt gesund zurück. Herzliche Grüsse aus dem herbstlichen Ettingen.

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