
Languagefarm Tag 4

Ipapashiwe: 24.08.2023

The last full day and today was Moritz's birthday. Like Lilou, he was awakened and celebrated with lots of singing and music.

The program for that day was completely different, a packed lunch was made for everyone right after breakfast. That really took some getting used to...a roll with strawberry jam and peanut butter at the same time...you can like it, but you don't have to, was the basic tenor. Afterwards we went on a day hike through the Hainich. The forest is beautiful and full of wonders. Everyone had one wish at the Magic Three, and some of them made it. Quiet of course.

After our lunch break we looked for and found a suitable place in the forest. For what ???

Captcher the flag of course!!! It was fun and lots of action.

The rest of the evening/day was dedicated to the performances. It's amazing what the kids have achieved during the week and even better how much they can talk.

Now it's campfire time...lots of singing and fun.

It was a great week !!!
