
The second day

Ipapashiwe: 21.03.2018

Even the 2nd day of school was relatively relaxed, we weren't involved in classes more than yesterday. Sometimes algebra is the only subject where we actually work and it's the most fun (never thought I'd say that).

Since we have to burn off all those calories, we voluntarily decided to go to a small hospital after school to do something for our bikini figures (more or less). We spent 2 hours in the small gym with our exchange students and other friends before we had dinner together.

We've all become friends with each other and in the evenings, we meet at one of our places where we simply enjoy our time together and plan the next 'U16 party' (@Mrs. Hinz, maybe next time).

In just a few days, such a great atmosphere between us has emerged, and I believe I can speak on behalf of all the participants in the exchange program when I say that we don't want to lose a single moment of our time here.

It's so fascinating to be in the midst of an American life, which is why I'm already looking forward to tomorrow, hoping that it will bring beautiful experiences.

Maybritt Heimann
