
Days 112 to 114: Selling motorcycles, meeting friends, and sightseeing in Hanoi

Ipapashiwe: 26.06.2018

In the next three days, our priority was to sell the remaining two motorcycles. We also visited a museum about the Vietnam War and met our two Dutch friends from Ha Long Bay again. It was great to see them once more, and maybe we'll meet again somewhere in this world. We also visited the oldest university in Vietnam, the oldest pagoda in Vietnam, and a crashed/closed B-52 bomber from the Americans that is still visible in a lake in the middle of the city. Additionally, we visited an old prison that was built by the French and used during the Vietnam War for American prisoners of war.

We had a difficult time selling the motorcycles. After three days, we finally sold Markus' motorcycle to Francesco, an Italian living in Berlin, but no one wanted mine. To avoid wasting more time, we decided to sell the motorcycle to a mechanic on the fourth day. He offered us too little, of course, but at least we were finally rid of the motorcycles and didn't have to worry about selling them anymore.

Overall, we really like Hanoi because there are many small alleys to stroll through and many good restaurants.


Iingxelo zohambo Viyethnam