
There are also clouds in Norway

Ipapashiwe: 29.06.2023

Cozy reading in the morning, with a cup of coffee, listening to some music, also has something to it! In the afternoon, we were refreshed, showered, and ready to travel.

At the first stop, we were able to watch canoeists venturing into the raging mountain stream, it looked really amazing how they maneuvered through the waves. A short driving time later, on the right side, the waterfall "Money Drop", again a place with market potential, the buses with our tour friends and the merchandise sales shop confirmed that.

A week's shopping later and draining of gray water, we zoomed over one of the longest suspension bridges in the world, the Hardanger Bridge. In between, there were always tunnels with futuristic and colorfully lit roundabouts. We went along the Hardanger Fjord, more precisely along the longest arm of the fjord, the Sörfjord. The slopes are lined with fruit trees, mostly apples and cherries, sales stands everywhere on the road, very different from just a few days ago.

Due to the narrowness of the fjord, finding a place for the night was rather difficult, most parking bays along the road were already occupied. In the end, we found a place in the greenery off the road.

PS: We have a new traveling companion that we would like to introduce to you: Elg. He keeps an eye on things while driving, but he also likes to drive himself and he and Fred are already best friends, amazing! ;-)


Iingxelo zohambo Norowe