
Die ersten Tage als Au Pair

Ipapashiwe: 19.09.2017

So my dear ones!!

The morning today was very turbulent. It's great to wake up in the morning and already have such a lively household.

After the kids left the house, I found the notes in my room. (Pictures)

When the kids came home from school, I fed the lambs with Crawford with a bottle. I mentioned in my blog recently that I would like to raise some sheep by hand.

The wish came true faster than I thought, because the little lambs still have to be raised with a bottle.

Then we watched Harry Potter together.

I've settled in here relatively quickly. The kids are just adorable, so lovable, and I'm very glad that they are already so 'old' and I can talk to them so well.

I find the arguments about who gets to sit next to me somehow cute. They even made place cards.

I cooked dinner again today and I was very glad that everyone liked it so much, even the kids praised me a lot and afterwards said that my food tastes better than their mom's. Of course, I was very happy about that.

But most people have no objections to mashed potatoes and roast. Surprisingly, they were even really keen on the vegetables.

After dinner, we all sat down in front of the TV together. I can fool around really well with the girls (Charlie and Summer (visitors)). When I eventually lay down on the sofa, the two came to me and asked very sweetly if they could cuddle with me. Of course, I didn't say no.

Just now, they came to me to hug me and say good night, and a minute later they repeated the process.

I feel really comfortable here. However, I wonder why the children are so well-behaved, considering that their mom is a real nightmare.

Her behavior is unacceptable...no way.

She gets upset about the smallest things and speaks to the children in a very inappropriate tone. Which is not at all appropriate under any circumstances. But I will hold back for now. Let's see if I can manage, because restraint is not always my strong point.

What I find very interesting...when children don't say thank you or talk with a full mouth, it's not okay and the children are usually reprimanded, no matter where.

Strangely enough, it happens very often in society that adults have incredibly bad behavior. Sometimes I would like to say something about it, but unfortunately, one is often in a position where one should not say anything. On the other hand, what is there to lose.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Wishing you all the best!!

Yours, Miri


Phendula (4)

Keep going!

Liebe Miriam, ich finde es toll wie du schreibst und uns an deinem neuen Leben "konkret" teilhaben lässt. Du greifst viele normale alltägliche Themen und Erfahrungen auf. Klar ist, in jeder Familie gibt es einen eigenen Spirit. Ich bin sehr froh, dass dich die kids in ihr Herz schließen. Denke jeden Tag fest an dich und bin beruhigt und dankbar, dass es dir gut geht! Herzliche Grüße Dein Papa

Liebe Miriam, mich "verreißt" es schier. Du solltest doch wissen - Mütter sind tendenziell ein "Albtraum". Aber weil sie so streng sind, sind die Kinder umso knuffiger. Es ist der "hammer", dass dir die Kinder schon Brieflein mit Herzchen malen - und das nach so kurzer Zeit und dass sie mit dir kuscheln. Das ist schon etwas Besonderes. Ist es nicht ein "Geschenk", dass dir so viele Träume erfüllt werden. Du hast einen Hund und Schafe um dich. Schafe, die du sogar mit der Flasche füttern darfst. Ich bin nur glücklich, über das was du erleben darfst - und es steht dir noch ein ganzes erlebnisreiches Jahr bevor. In Liebe deine Mama

Danke fuer eure lieben Worte. Ich bin sehr froh dass die Kinder so umgaenglich sind und so suess. Ja Mama, tendenziell sind Mamas ein Albtraum, zum Glueck kann ich mittlerweile damit umgehen :P Aber dazu muss ich auch sagen dass ich dich ja wirklich gut erzogen hab :* Ich bin sehr froh dass ich nach NZ gegangen bin.

I-New Zealand
Iingxelo zohambo I-New Zealand