Grande Randonnée
Grande Randonnée

From Chamonix through the Col de Voza into the Val Montjoie

Ipapashiwe: 01.09.2020

Day 0

Today the big adventure started. After a big shopping trip for the next few days (packaged soups, potatoes and co.) we took the train to Lausanne. We changed trains a few times and finally ended up on the Mont-Blanc Express, with which we crossed the border by cogwheel train. We already lost the train tickets before Chamonix 🙈. But at least we didn't have to pay for buses, only for new tickets. Chamonix was the final stop and after getting some new rain pants for Alex, we started the hike. We had barely started when we had to test our rain gear.

The backpacks were still a bit heavy, but we managed to cover quite a detour.

Day 1

After a damp and cold night, we continued without breakfast to the last part of yesterday's route back to the village. There we wanted to take the train to Les Houches. However, it no longer runs as of today. While we were waiting for the replacement bus, we had a coffee. Strengthened back at the bus stop, we realized that the replacement bus also does not serve the stop. Fortunately, another bus driver took us and dropped us off at the right place.

Then it was time - we had actually reached the first signpost of the GR 5. Full of enthusiasm, we set off on the ascent to the Col de Voza. The sun shines in our faces and the Mont-Blanc and its glaciers watch our steps. We had breakfast along the way and put on our shorts. By noon, we had already reached the altitude of today's stage and had a hot risotto.

Then we continued down to the Val Montjoie. On the way, there was a donkey and mule farm and a very generous mirabelle tree.

Now we have a great campsite on the edge of the forest, where we could finally light the first fire. For dinner, we had potatoes with tofu and red cabbage. Délicieus. And even the tents are almost dry again.

Phendula (1)

C‘est vraiment a joy de lire votre blog! C‘est un peu comme participer, accompagner! Merci et bonne route❣️Y

Iingxelo zohambo Fransi