


And that one guy

Inseparable apart

Inseparable apart

From team exchange to mental connection.

Rundflug and the next party

Today, we fly over the Okavango Delta and have a bumpy drive to the next party.

Hippos, waterfalls, and the next border crossing

We go hunting and discover a hippo.

Etosha National Park

Etosha National Park a little more detailed.

Der Tag danach/the day after (deutsch/english)

Heute geht es auf Safari. Today we go for a game drive.

Check point party (deutsch/english)

Tiger, Giraffe and cave women are on the hunt/ sind auf der Jagd.

Sand dune boarding (english)

We climb the sand dunes in a sand storm.

Solitaire to Swakopmund (english)

Free Safari and a German town.

The second day

We come across an accident and meet some very creepy people.

You can only love Africa

The love for Africa grows.

Breakfast at the beach

Enjoy the freedom of Africa!

Registration and our first night (english)

We starting the rally and freezing like crazy.

The journey begins (english version)

We are making our way to Africa.

Adrenalin pur

Wir erklimmen die Sanddünen im Sandsturm.

Von Solitaire nach Swakopmund

In Afrika aber doch irgendwie in Deutschland.

Zweiter Tag

Über die Grenze nach Namibia und auf eine grusselige Farm.

Wir fahren los

Der erste Tag unserer Reise, es wird nie langweilig.

Die Registrierung

Nur noch eben schnell einschreiben, damit wir offiziell dabei sind.

Die Anreise

Los geht die chaoten Reise!

Masters of the Disasters (english)

Who are we? Introduction of the team.

Masters of the Disasters

Who are we actually, get to know the team.

Put Foot Rally 2019 (in English)

How was the idea born and what are we doing exactly.

Put Foot Rally 2019

How did we come up with the idea and what are we actually doing now?