
Surprise Ninh Binh

Chop etilgan: 07.02.2023

In advance, we only briefly informed ourselves about Ninh Binh. So it is our surprise destination. The only thing we know is that there is a kind of 'nature park' outside the city. Accordingly, we rent a motorcycle the day after our arrival.

What we find and see there is partly interesting and spectacular, but then also the opposite. Here we realize for the first time that we are at a tourist spot. We are supposed to buy something or pay for a motorcycle parking space at every sight. Even though we can park for free 20 meters away.


The rice fields that are still mostly cultivated by hand are impressive. Currently, the fields are being prepared for the first planting.

The most beautiful place is a viewpoint from which you have a wonderful view over the city and the nature park. Here we have to pay an entrance fee, but the visit is worth it.

We use our last day to explore the city. The market right next to our hostel is particularly exciting. Locals buy their goods here from their motorcycles or scooters. Practically all the food that is important for Vietnamese cuisine can be found here. Fish and seafood are mostly offered alive.

Still alive fish and crabs

In the evening, we drive through the city again and find a kind of 'festival area' near an illuminated temple. The atmosphere is exuberant and we enjoy the beautiful ambiance.

Now we continue to Da Nang by night train. The journey takes about 15 hours and we are excited to see what awaits us.


Sayohat hisobotlari Vetnam