The neighborhoods of Vancouver

Chop etilgan: 08.05.2018

I took it a little easier on my last day in Vancouver. I took the time to turn around and sleep a little longer. I got up around 9:00 a.m. and had breakfast. I noticed that there had been a small change in the weather. From summery temperatures, it has become 14 degrees and gray sky. Well, as long as it doesn't rain, I thought, everything's okay. The problem was that last night I threw my jeans into the washing machine because I bought a new pair of shorts. According to the weather report, it was supposed to be very warm today, but it wasn't. Well, my jeans were still wet, so I quickly looked on the internet to find out how to dry jeans quickly. Ultimately, two hair dryers from my accommodation helped me, and in less than 15 minutes, the jeans were dry. Around noon, it was time to head back to downtown. Today, I visited the neighborhoods of Chinatown and Gastown. In Chinatown, I stumbled upon a beautiful Chinese garden unexpectedly while looking for something to eat, and I spent some time there. Finally, I had a very affordable meal in a small Vietnamese restaurant, and I had spring rolls and rice with chicken. Strengthened, I continued to Gastown. This neighborhood was the first in Vancouver. This is where the city was founded, and I found that this neighborhood had a very special atmosphere. Today, it is home to many pubs, bars, restaurants, and alternative shops. All in all, a really nice mix. Meanwhile, the weather had improved significantly, and the blue sky and sun were back. I enjoyed the late afternoon and evening in downtown Vancouver, and later I drove back to my accommodation. Tomorrow morning, I will rent a car again for two weeks. Because without a car, you can't get very far here. Where am I going? I'm not revealing that yet. So stay tuned ;)

Javob (1)

Haha, ein Cliffhanger :)

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