Arrived in Porto

شائع شدہ: 09.02.2017

The plane took off from Düsseldorf airport to Lisbon, where I had a brief layover.

From here, there are several daily flights to Porto.
When I landed in Porto after transferring, it was a pleasant 12 °C (compared to only 2°C in Germany). So, I quickly took off my jacket and put it in my bag. The 'Metro' is a very convenient way to get to the city; it takes only about 30 minutes to reach the old town of Porto, and the trams run every 20 minutes. Compared to some cities in Germany, it is very cheap to travel by tram there. But my first stop was not the old town; it was the 'Casa da Música'. It was the first sight I saw in Porto. It is a music hall.
When I arrived at my friend's house, I was immediately offered a 'chá' (tea).
After a nice reunion after 4 years, we went to a typical Portuguese restaurant.
It was really delicious :)
We had 'pataniscas' (a mixture of cod, flour, and egg) as an appetizer and it was so tasty. For the main course, we had: 'Rojões' (meat with rice and potatoes) and 'Bacalhau à Braga' (codfish with potato chips and vegetables). With the delicious food, a super beautiful first day in Porto came to an end.

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