
Day 51 - 'Art Deco' huh?

شائع شدہ: 03.01.2017


The fiftieth day is complete and therefore the 51st day of the journey begins. We sleep tonight according to our internal clock, i.e. we only get up when we wake up naturally. Since we have individual daily programs today, this fits perfectly.

While Yves goes for a jog with a stop at the outdoor fitness park on Miami Beach to strengthen his muscles, Marco finishes report 50, has breakfast, and packs his day backpack. The ref blows the whistle for a substitution. Because as Marco is leaving, Yves returns. Quick high five and the exchange is complete.

Marco speeds off, explores Lincoln Road, and then goes to the beach to sunbathe, relax, and read. Meanwhile, Yves takes a shower and also has breakfast. Afterwards, he also makes his way to Miami South Beach. And indeed, we meet again by the beach at 3pm - finding a needle in a haystack, as they say...

Lincoln Road (tourist street)
Lincoln Road (tourist street)

We enjoy the peaceful atmosphere at the beach. But slowly the sun disappears and so do we. We head to Ocean Drive, which is known for its 'Art Deco' architectural style of buildings. Well, okay, we have probably walked past it 4 times already, but honestly, we didn't notice anything - haha. After doing some research, we can now understand the statements and identify some buildings on today's tour. Well, it's certainly easier when you know what Art Deco is ;-) By the way, Google gladly provides information about it.

Art Deco with vintage car
Art Deco with vintage car

For a change, we take a bus tour towards Miami North Beach. There are four free bus loops that operate continuously. We take the Middle Beach Loop and the Collins Link buses to get around. It is definitely a temperature drop of 6-8 degrees in the bus. Well, after a short walk, we arrive warmed up again.

17th Street
17th Street

At this point, we would like to thank our sponsors and partners for their support in various ways:

Gold Sponsors: That would be us - we pay for everything - haha ;-)

Silver Sponsors: Our families, who support us in every way, cheer us on, and help us

Bronze Sponsors: Our employers 'Nidwaldner Sport' ( (Nidwaldner Verein für Sport in der Schule) and athletics sportconsulting GmbH (, who have allowed us to take this time off and thus made the trip possible. Thank you for your support!

> Click on our websites and see the commitment of these amazing crews, who have a great influence on how the Central Swiss sports landscape looks today!

Supplier: That's YOU - all our blog readers. Thanks to you, we keep our blog up to date and are already ranked 4th among the best blogs :-)))))))

> Click on '' at the top

Partner: There are countless partners. However, we would like to highlight two. The first is 'Air New Zealand' with whom we have the Around the World ticket by plane and so far everything has been to our satisfaction. The airline itself, when we flew with them and not with operators, is really top-notch and surpasses Emirates, Singapore Airlines, and even Swiss. The second is the Jucy representation. Even though some minor things didn't work out, our Jucy has taken us everywhere and the green-purple vehicle will always be a fond memory.

Gold Sponsors

Gold sponsors

Silver Sponsors
Silver sponsors (our families)

Bronze Sponsors
Bronze sponsors (our employers)

Supplier (all readers and likers)

Partner (Air New Zealand and Jucy Cars)

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