
Tag 180 - Suwannatee Station to Bangkok by night bus

ئېلان قىلىندى: 09.02.2020

Hello everyone

Today was relatively uneventful. We checked out of our container at 12 o'clock and were fortunately able to deposit our luggage at the reception. Since it's not really nice around here, we decided to go back to the beach we visited in the last days. There we had lunch, relaxed in the sand, and observed the crabs :).

Sounds boring, but the crabs were really cool! There were small sand bubbles all over the beach. The crabs scooped up the sand with their mouths until the bubble was big enough and simply threw it back.

While researching, we came across the following information:

sand bubbler crab (Scopimera globosa). These crabs, about 1cm in size, live in the Indo-Pacific region and sift through the sand for food. They have small burrows in the sand where they hide during high tide. When the sea retreats at low tide, they come out and retrieve their food from the sand. The now worthless sand is formed into small balls, which they neatly line up at their burrow, clearly separating it so that they don't have to search through the sand twice.

And learned something new again - not bad, huh? :)

In the evening, we treated ourselves to a meal there (it wasn't tasty, but edible, so let's leave it at that :)) in a really cute little cottage.

We shared our leftover meat with two stray dogs, which were very happy. At first, they were really intimidated and skittish, but after the second bite, they seemed to realize that we mean no harm.

At 8 o'clock it was time to head back to the hotel. Then load the luggage and move on to the bus station.

As we requested, we arrived an hour early to check in - of course, way too early for Thailand... Learned that again. But we were able to drop off the scooter right at the station, it was really awesome how that worked out!

Unbelievably, the bus actually arrived not just on time, but 15 minutes early! That really surprised us :).

So, now we're sitting here and driving to Bangkok.

I just edited and uploaded the pictures - hopefully, that wasn't a mistake... So, if there are no more photos from tomorrow on, you know why. Nah, everything will be fine ;)

Well then, we have a 7.5-hour drive ahead of us and should arrive in Bangkok at 4:30 a.m.

You'll find out how we're doing after the trip and what we think of the big city tomorrow :)

See you soooooooooon!

جاۋاب (1)

Gute Fahrt euch beiden....

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