Redefined Timeline
Redefined Timeline

Death Valley

ئېلان قىلىندى: 27.08.2017

Okay it is hot! I mean really hot! Yesterday in the late afternoon I had a peak of 117°F (47°C). With the wind, it's like in an oven and you get roasted... It is the limit for my camera. The Sony a6300 has a problem with the heat.... Thank you Sony, for not fixing that.... 

I stay in Beatty. It's a nice really small town in the West. It's a good base to travel to the Valley. Today I went to Badwater. It's a salt plain 85.5m below sea level!

I walked out into the basin. I think that was my hottest walk ever!

On my way back to Beatty I stopped at a place called The Devil's Golf Course. A plain with salty rock formations.

Later I discovered the Artist Drive. A single lane road up to the hills. There is a place called Artist's Palette. I choose to stop way before the viewpoint and walked a few minutes through the desert. The light was much nicer from that spot...

...and I had only to turn around to get this formation.

 I will check out other parts of the Valley tomorrow. I think this time I will go very early in the morning.  

I went back to Beatty at noon. The temperature was rising quickly. I hang out in the Happy Burro. If you ever visit this town, go there. It's a good place to meet locals, has chilli and cheap beer!   


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