Goodbye Lima! End of city life.

Ku kandziyisiwile: 21.02.2017

The last blog entry was quite a while ago! Unfortunately, I haven't had much motivation to write lately, and when you're in one place for a long time, not every day is noteworthy! Anyway, sorry for not writing for so long, but I hope you enjoy reading it now heheh ;-)

A Culinary Love Affair

And how we indulge ourselves every day!

Yes, we love cooking and eating even more (hehe, but you know me). We create the best dishes (including vegetarian hamburgers, stuffed chapati, rice with bechamel foam, breathtaking fruit salads, etc.), feast and enjoy the last days in Lima. The city life will soon come to an end. We will leave Lima with a mix of laughter and tears. Since we have spent so much time here, we have become attached to our house, the friendly acquaintances, and the diverse activities that we have been able to pursue here. The weekly yoga in the park, surfing on the best 'beginner beach' in Peru, and of course jamming and acro-yoga in the vibrant 'Raimondipark. This park has become one of my favorite places beside the beach.

Near our house, we have our favorite bakery, our favorite fruit and vegetable vendor, our beer buddy - yes, all of this is really nice and makes you feel at home! (The only thing that is really missing is you)

In the last few weeks, we visited the theater and watched a high-class acrobatics show by a group called 'XY' from France. The impressive images we were able to take away from this evening will probably stay in our heads for a long time. We also participated in an acro-yoga workshop, which opened new doors and forms of communication for us! Besides the fact that I am in South America, speak more or less Spanish, and have learned to surf, another dream has come true for me, as Ruben has also been infected with the acro fever!!! One evening, we went to the beach and met people who know how to play with fire. We joined them, played with fire poi, and were able to experience a dreamlike 'play session' with two boys with pois. Here, too, we were able to learn some new moves.

We went on some excursions to the central market and the Garmarra market in the city. These days were absolutely insane. Extreme traffic (traffic chaos in Austria is no longer serious for me), many people, incredibly many market halls and stands, loudly screaming vendors trying to sell their goods to men and women, and yes, even though we knew roughly what we needed, we usually spent the whole day at the market. You can imagine that we fell straight into bed on those evenings. But we filled our 'parche' (quasi sales carpet) with beautiful gemstones, pearls, and threads. The remaining part of the work, namely making jewelry, is now one of our daily activities. When you have so much time to unleash your creativity, really beautiful pieces come out.

In between, we also sell the occasional bracelet to get the money together for the bus ticket.

Yes, the bus ticket, in the next few days we will head south. We will probably go to Puerto Maldonado, leave for Brazil from there, spend a few days there, and then come back to Peru. We have some ideas for the next leg of our journey, but if you know me, you also know that plans can change suddenly.... so I better write afterwards about what we experienced and don't unnecessarily fill your heads with our dreams heheh!

Ruben and I are a pretty good team, we give each other space, enjoy being together, and by now, we also know a little bit about dealing with each other's moods! Day by day, we learn more about each other's lives, and so far, it hasn't become boring for us. For both of us, it is also really interesting to get to know a different 'culture' and to consider the different forms of upbringing. Of course, there are communication difficulties here and there, as my Spanish is still not the best. However, it becomes a little more fluent day by day (with such a good teacher by my side) ;-)

Buen dia muchachos

