
4 days after arrival

Yayınlanan: 01.09.2018

I have now completed the first Saturday. My new environment is slowly starting to feel familiar. My lightness is slowly emerging, which I have missed so much in the past few days, which I desperately wanted to force. It is interesting to observe how differently I perceive myself when the means of communication is taken away from me. I identify so much with everything I have to say that I feel deprived of myself without these words. I am more mindful of my actions. It is a (diminishing) feeling that people do not perceive me as the person I am because I cannot communicate this idea of myself linguistically.

Similarly, I not only have the urgent desire to convey my innermost self to everyone, but I also want everything I know at once. As if things wouldn't happen anymore if not now. It is difficult for me to accept steps. I strive for ecstasy in every moment and yet I miss so much of it because my gaze often only focuses on the ecstasy tailored to me.

Nevertheless, everything will fall into place. A cup of mate, a cigarette, and a piece of pan con dulce de leche, and the world nestles in your hands for a moment.

To not neglect the formalities:

Bariloche. A city that gives the impression that you are in a village no matter where your feet take you. Except for the main streets, marked by potholed, unpaved roads. Mountains with snow-capped peaks all around, trees and small houses as far as the eye can see, stray dogs and earthy paths. In the heart of Bariloche, a lake as large as a small sea. Powerful, harmonious. The sky has been mostly blue so far, the air icy, the wind furious. Mate warms from within, just like the smiles of my little proteges in kindergarten. The town center full of young people, very touristy, with an Austrian touch. Generally, it has a more Western feel, which is not surprising considering Argentina's high European settlement. Nevertheless, everything will fall into place. A cup of mate, a cigarette, and a piece of pan con dulce de leche, and the world nestles in your hands for a moment.

