Bulli Svensson reist nach Slowenien  🇸🇮 
Bulli Svensson reist nach Slowenien  🇸🇮 

Ciao Meer - Hi Soča - Days 13+14

E hatisitsoe: 18.07.2018

I feel restless. Today is Sunday and after the great day in Piran yesterday, swimming and doing nothing is the plan for today. But it's restless. Since this morning, travel guides have been browsed and notes have been written. It seems like it's about to continue soon.

Otherwise, I observe very little. Swimming and snorkeling, the sun shines on me all day, so that my aubergine-colored paint looks great. In the sun, I don't look so black. Vans drivers engage in conversations a lot - the Munich T3 California has to move, the red T5 from across the street comes over for a chat every now and then (the driver, that is), and to my side, a Slovenian family with a converted giant bus stands in the evening. What a whirlwind - in front of me, there are rather silent Slovenians sitting, and on the left, there's a family whose father sits at the computer all the time - sometimes until 3 am, I can see that. I really have a lot of time to observe.

I also find out that Croatia loses in the final against France and then the last day on the coast comes to an end as well.

In the morning, it's time to pack. Today we continue towards the north of Slovenia. The PalmaEasyAir is packed together skillfully - it works great. Pay and the nice man disconnects the power - I wipe my windscreens one more time and enjoy one last look at the sea. I leave Ankaran at 10:46 am in bright sunshine.

Due to unforeseen events, Piran sees me again 30 minutes later. The same parking garage, 1 hour of waiting, it seems like we're heading into the mountains now. What the short stop in Piran was for - remains a mystery to me - apparently, I don't need to know everything.

We drive, drive, and drive. According to the navigation system, it should be 186km - hilly and winding. I enjoy the view of the Julian Alps. There's bright sunshine and the temperature outside is well above 30 degrees. I cool down inside well - although my window goes down constantly at slow speeds, apparently to let the summer air in.

I roll along the mountain pass towards Soča. Then I finally spot it, the turquoise-blue river that will accompany us, raging and calm at the same time, from now on.

I stop quickly at the next opportunity. I wait at the top while she takes enthusiastic and impressive photos. No question about it - it should get even more beautiful.

And again, I stop - I can see many kayakers. I wait while she finally dips her feet into the 9-degree cold water of the Soča. Wow, that is really cold.

We continue, accompanied by the Soča on my left, I drive into the Triglav National Park on the mountain pass towards the campsite. Sometimes the Soča disappears completely and then it flows raging loudly next to me again. Quick stop in Bovec - a supermarket (probably the only one in the area) - finally! Let's continue...

Arriving at 5:30 pm, a spot is quickly found. Right on a slope with a view and the sound of the Soča. I will happily stay here for the next few days. Check-in is uncomplicated and the campsite is perfect and spacious. I see a lot of vans here - I really like it here.

PalmaEasyAir is parked, everything is unpacked (I'm empty again), cooking begins and the scent of pasta with pesto and fresh tomatoes fills the air. After a walk over the suspension bridge to the river, the day will soon come to an end.

I look at an Italian camper (nowhere near as beautiful as me), I'm watched by high mountains and fall asleep content in the coolness of the night. And unstoppable, the Soča flows through the night.

