
29. Tag - day 29 (for english scroll down)

La daabacay: 09.08.2018

We slept so deep and well - maybe Sedona's good 'emerging earth energy' after all?!? After some freshly baked waffles and a berry milkshake, we were ready for new adventures. First, we visited the Chapel of the Holy Cross, a chapel with a huge window behind the altar and an equally huge Jesus. We lit a few candles, including one for the kind older gentleman who sponsored our bus ticket in San Francisco. Then we went to Tlaquepaque village (which means 'the best of everything'). Forty years ago, Able Miller had the vision of creating an authentic Mexican village in Sedona, and with great effort and attention to detail, he succeeded. Interestingly, right across the street was the Vortex/new age center. Well, since Zoë had never had her future predicted (except by me when she didn't do her homework), it was the perfect place. Jenna (formerly known as Joe or Jack), definitely an enlightened transvestite or something like that, told Zoë what she could expect in the next 6 months. I think I would have been more accurate ;-). Then we embarked on the long drive of the day. We quickly stopped at the Galaxy Diner in Flagstaff, a cool retro restaurant, and slurped a milkshake (the 2nd one of the day and it was only 11 o'clock!). But then, many, many miles through rather boring landscapes until Seligman, a town frozen in time on Route 66. Due to a minor navigation error by my co-pilot, we ended up driving a few more kilometers on Route 66 instead of the freeway.... But that didn't bother my co-pilot too much, as she quickly fell asleep and left me with the monotony. When we arrived in Kingman, where we planned to spend the night, we drove a bit further to Chloride, a 'half-ghost town'. There are a few retirees living there, but otherwise, it's just an old town with some well-preserved buildings that are occasionally used for filming western movies. After a Coke and a nice conversation with an older gentleman who wanted to motivate us to sing karaoke (!), we headed back to Kingman. We googled where to have dinner, and an Indian restaurant seemed perfect. But as soon as we stepped out of the motel, the 2nd best restaurant in Kingman, according to Tripadvisor, was right in front of us. It seemed absolutely ideal, so we changed our curry plan to... well, you can probably guess... a burger plan :-)


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