
Day 4 #Trip to Alanya#

La daabacay: 29.06.2022

What a beautiful morning 😊, true relaxation is slowly setting in. A hearty breakfast and then at 10:30 am we take the first bus to Alanya. Today is all about shopping and strolling.

Since I had already set my mind on taking the cable car to the castle in Alanya before the vacation, this was our first destination. When the bus dropped us off in Alanya city center, we walked in the approximate direction hoping to find it. Passing various shops on the main street, a salesman waved us over to him to sell us something, of course. And the things looked really nice. We told him that we wanted to do our city tour first and then come by on the way back. Since he was so nice to explain the exact way to the cable car station, we took his card and promised to come back.

With a shade temperature of 37 degrees, it was a very sweaty walk but thanks to the nice man, we found it immediately.

After we arrived, we first drank a small sip of water and then went straight up with the cable car. The view was fantastic and we had a gondola all to ourselves, so we could take many beautiful pictures. Once we reached the top, we continued uphill on foot towards the castle. But after about 2/3 of the way, we were so exhausted from the heat, as it had been going uphill in the sun the whole time and now the midday heat of 42 degrees was making us sweat, so we found a small shady spot, had a drink, and then decided to go back down. After all, we still wanted to go shopping 😉.

So we strolled casually from one shop to another and my daughter looked for the things she should bring back for others. At the corner of the main street, we came across a small tavern and when my daughter saw that they had her desired cocktail, we decided to take a break and ordered a "Strawberry Daiquiri". Ice-cold and very delicious. But when the bill came, I swallowed briefly, but you treat yourself sometimes 🙈😂😎.

Then we continued through the shops and finally arrived at the store from the beginning, as promised. The salesperson was so happy that we actually came back, which he didn't believe, that he offered us tea and we stayed in his cool store for a while. My daughter tried on some things but couldn't really decide, and after a long back and forth, he even gave us a great price for everything. So a really great deal.

Then at 3:30 pm, we successfully took the shuttle back towards the hotel, a few euros lighter.

After dinner and a beautiful sunset from the hotel, we only went to the lobby so we could share our day with friends via WhatsApp and Instagram.

All in all, a wonderful day 😊


#ausflug #alanya#seilbahn#burg#shoppen