
Goodbye Costa Rica!

La daabacay: 05.02.2018 - that's a Monet from my journey! Time goes by so quickly, even when you're only working like me ;-)


I had a perfect start with beautiful (hot!) weather, a nice host family (unfortunately completely forgot to take a photo in the morning 🙈), delicious food, great teachers, and awesome people! No wonder so many people come back to Sámara :-) Here are some impressions from my last 4 weeks:

Bullfighting Nicoya
Bullfighting Nicoya

The traditional festival in Nicoya (the nearest big city to Sámara, about 1 hour by bus) takes place annually and attracts people from everywhere. There are various food and clothing stands, roller coasters, and the traditional bullfighting. I'm not really a fan of this kind of thing, but I thought I should do something cultural and it's a part of it. The tradition comes from Spain, but luckily they don't hurt or kill the bulls here, they simply ride on them as long as possible or until they get tired. Then there are always a lot of young people (mostly drunk guys who need to prove themselves ;-)) in the arena, running towards the bull with red flags and colorful t-shirts to make it nervous and aggressive. Actually crazy, but it's amazing what people do for entertainment ;-) I don't need to see it again.

Horse Riding Playa Barrigona
Horse Riding Playa Barrigona

What I liked much better, however, was horseback riding :-) I went riding almost every week and discovered my passion. There's nothing better for me (well, almost nothing ;-)) than galloping on the beach! Pure freedom! 🤗

Whale Watching
Whale Watching

We took a boat trip to watch dolphins and whales. We were really lucky and spotted a small school of dolphins 🐬 there were about 4-5 of them and we watched them for a while. Taking photos and videos was quite difficult because they are much faster than the camera. We also saw a humpback whale with its baby a little further away. 🐋 After that, we went to a reef for snorkeling, but unfortunately we didn't see much because the reef has been heavily polluted by a company over the past 10 years.

Cooking Class
Cooking Class

The school organized cooking classes 1-2 times a week, which we could participate in for free. There, "Mamá Tica" showed us how to make Empanadas with Plantains and Beans. Yummy 😋

Playa Peladas Nosara
Playa Peladas Nosara

On my last day in Sámara (yesterday :-)), we rented quads and drove to different beaches on the Pacific coast. It was a lot of fun, but in the end, we were covered in dust because most of the roads were natural :-)

Las locas
Las locas

But what really made my time in Sámara perfect are the girls in the picture. Many thanks to Luana, Nina, Mishi & Sarina for all the drunk nights, meaningful and meaningless conversations, for your laughter and your company 💖 see you soon somewhere on this continent (luckily Sarina, I'll see you again in a week 🤗).

...but all good things come to an end! So today I traveled further to Nicaragua by bus (6 hours with 3 transfers, I still need to get used to this 😅). The immigration process was quite unique (luckily I was warned), it takes a loooot of time, you have to go through 3 different counters (first to pay some kind of tax of $8, then to exit Costa Rica and finally to enter Nicaragua for $13, and in between, you have to show your passport about 5 times), there are some strange people hanging around, and you have to wait for about half an hour to an hour at each counter in the scorching midday sun. Anyway, I'm really happy when I finally made it through immigration, but then I realized that the nice gentleman at counter number 3 forgot to stamp my passport 🙈 Starting all over again at counter number 3 - yay.

BUT - and this is the most important thing - I arrived safely at my host family in Nicaragua and tomorrow afternoon school starts. As far as I understood, I will have private lessons and hopefully I can benefit a little from my Spanish. At the moment, my head is full of Spanish grammar and I'm just waiting for the opportunity to apply it 🤓.

San Juan del Sur - Nicaragua
San Juan del Sur - Nicaragua

The beautiful sunset tonight made me forget about the exhausting day and now I'm just looking forward to going to bed.

Another beautiful thing is that I don't have to say a complete goodbye to Costa Rica because I'm excited to travel to the Caribbean coast with my parents in March. In that sense: Goodbye Costa Rica and Pura Vida! 🇨🇷 🤗

Jawaab (1)

so toll vo dir zlese😍so hani sgfühl immer chli debi zsi💗