
Au on the Danube

La daabacay: 29.06.2017

Already on the evening before, I met Monika and Berndt from Dresden. After a short chat, I am invited for a cup of black tea in the morning. So Monday (June 26, 2017) starts with a shared breakfast. The two of them come from a bike tour along the Enns and want to pedal further towards Vienna on the Danube.

I was occupied with Rango's paw during the night. It seems it's still too early for regular hiking trips over 10km. I have to explore alternative travel options again, I don't want to get used to a longer stay. On the Danube, the most obvious option seems to be a boat. I did some quick research and behold: there is a small inflatable boat with a load capacity of 168kg in Mauthausen's Obi store. When I arrived there, it turned out that I would have to order it. Only a smaller version is in stock, and I would probably need 3 of them (one for me, one for Rango, and one for the luggage). After thinking it over, I abandon the idea.

The information in Mauthausen is not very helpful either. Back in Au, I ask the receptionist at the campsite again, who refers me to an older sailor in the harbor. After a brief conversation, he sends me to the pub next door. Here, I end up at the regulars table in a friendly atmosphere and with a beer. After some back and forth, I actually find a suitable inflatable boat on the attic of the Pühringer family, for a small fee. When I first inflate it, some leaks become apparent, but they seem fixable. With my new means of transportation and matching repair kit, I make my way back to the campsite.

Jawaab (2)

Es macht wirklich viel Spaß, deine Reise zu verfolgen 👍 Wir warten schon immer ganz gespannt auf neue Berichte von dir und Rango. Ich hoffe dem Dicken geht's bald wieder besser... Denkst du, dass sich das mit dem Humpeln wieder gibt? Viele Grüße aus Ustka an der polnischen Ostsee senden dir Micha & Sandra

Na klar, das wird wieder. Er humpelt auch jetzt nur nach längeren Strecken. Schön das euch meine kurzen Reiseberichte so zusagen. Erholsamen Urlaub wünsch ich euch!

Warbixinaha safarka Awstariya