Fynns Reise Blog
Fynns Reise Blog

Tag 1 (Osaka)

La daabacay: 13.03.2023

The day started off with a bombshell:

Thanks to the German railway system, Nico couldn't get off the train in Frankfurt and missed the flight. Everyone was stressed and panicking, trying to get him to the airport on time, but in the end, it was too late, and I flew to Tokyo alone.

After a 12-hour flight to Tokyo, we arrived so late that I couldn't catch the next flight to Osaka. Luckily, I wasn't alone. Another guest who had flown with me also needed to go to Osaka. While we tried to get the next available flight to Osaka, we quickly became friends, and he introduced himself as Moris. Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and we were on our way to Osaka on the next flight.

Upon arrival, I activated my train ticket and got some Japanese currency. Shortly after, I had a meal at the train station after hours: a delicious curry as you can see in the picture above.

Afterwards, I took the train to the hotel where I checked in and planned for the next day when I would pick up Nico.


Warbixinaha safarka Japan