Sophia on the road
Sophia on the road

Lonely, I'm so lonely - Melbourne / 11.01. - 13.01.2019

La daabacay: 15.01.2019

Today, shortly before 6 o'clock in the morning, after I could watch the sunrise beautifully, I finally arrived in Melbourne and took my time to buy a train ticket and then walk to Nomads Industry, because I knew that I probably couldn't check in there until 2 o'clock or so anyway. And I was right - my eyes kept closing the whole time anyway, so I chilled out on one of the couches in the entrance area and just sat there for the next few hours. After all, I didn't get any sleep last night, I was just exhausted, looked exhausted, and just wanted to get into a bed.

When I finally got to my room - on the 5th floor - I waited an eternity for the elevator and then the door lock didn't work properly, so at some point a really nice guy named Ryan from England opened it for me, I grabbed a bunk bed and took a shower first.
After that, I immediately took care of a key card, which I had to go to the reception twice for, because the first time the card had been programmed for a different room (by now I could write a book about incompetent people), and I always had to wait for the slowest elevator ever.
The rest of the day I went shopping, took a quick look at the famous Queen Victoria Market (where all the stalls were already dismantled and I was apparently too late) and in the evening I met two really nice girls named Bea and Carina in the kitchen, who had just arrived in Australia yesterday. We promised each other to do something together in the next few days.
And then my extremely short day was already over.

On 12.01. I finally went to the cinema - something I always wanted to do in a foreign country and going to the cinema alone was kind of cool. I watched the 3rd part of How to Train Your Dragon, because I already loved the first two movies and I also had to think about my two sweethearts Thori and Kili.
The movie was absolutely beautiful and the cinema was very nice too, but the ending was mega sad, so I cried and when the end credits showed throwback pictures of the characters, I missed my family so much that I couldn't stop crying. But at some point I pulled myself together, walked over to H&M in the shopping center and had a little retail therapy, which made me richer by a fluffy thin sweater.
The shopping center itself was also mega fancy and had a huge golden glass dome as a roof, in which a brick tower protruded - but I didn't know what it was supposed to represent or what it was for.

That was already the highlight of my day, the rest of the time I planned my kiwi trip in New Zealand a bit, thought about the next hostels and considered whether I should book a hot air balloon flight here.

The next day I arranged to meet Bea and Carina at St Kilda Beach. First, I had to take the train across Melbourne, because it was located a bit outside, and I first went in the wrong direction - where was Linni when I needed her?
The other two were already sunbathing on their towels and after a short greeting, I lay down next to them and we simply enjoyed the beautiful weather - which maybe I shouldn't have done, because in the evening I had another sunburn on my stomach.
But first I had a lot of fun with the two, eventually we walked to a supermarket nearby and treated ourselves to an ice cream, and later we walked along the long pier that led into the sea. We wanted to watch the sunset here - you could even see the whole thing, not just the sun disappearing behind mountains or trees, like on the rest of the east coast. However, there were quite a few other people there, but that didn't stop the seagulls from putting on a pretty cool spontaneous show, and we of course took some pictures.

Eventually, the red sun disappeared behind a wall of clouds above the horizon, but the picture was still beautiful. The penguins were supposed to come ashore at some point after their long day of fishing, but we didn't want to wait that long anymore, because it was already 9 p.m., we still had to make dinner, and I would also leave early tomorrow for my Great Ocean Road tour.

I had pasta with eggs for dinner and it tasted really good. After that, we sat outside for a short time, said goodbye in the elevator and I quickly packed my things before going to bed.

Song of the Day(s): Together from Afar by Jonsi, because that's the new end credits song from How to Train Your Dragon and the entire soundtrack of the movies is always so beautiful.


Warbixinaha safarka Australia