52 weeks
52 weeks

Quarantine for the second time - Puerto Natales

La daabacay: 27.02.2022

28.1. Puerto Natales

Ultracozy, we pack our stuff. We have decided to go back to Puerto Natales. The idea is to decide whether an antigen or PCR test would be worth it after the next rapid test tomorrow (Ulf gave us 2, thanks again!) and if that should happen, be close to the labs.

We will miss our nice neighbors and leave a note before lowering the sails. Back in Puerto Natales, we park at the same campsite as before. It's the low point of the mood. It's cold and gray outside, we don't want to wander around with our little virus and at the same time, we're tired of sitting in the cold or lying in the rooftop tent.

We simmer in a bad mood...

29.1. Early in the morning, right after waking up, we take the rapid test. As expected, it is still positive and our mood sinks even lower. Somehow, one always hopes for a miracle. Well, now it is what it is. Since it is still cold and windy and is expected to stay that way, we decide to treat ourselves to a cabin. Roof tent or not - it's enough, we need some warmth and comfort! Roman calls a family. At first, they say everything is fully booked, but then the woman remembers that they have a little house just outside Puerto Natales. No problem, we have a car. The house is perfect: living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, functioning heaters and a TV with PayTV!

We even decide to go out for dinner in the evening... Roman is out of quarantine and I am on day 5; not quite correct but that's how it is. Around 6 pm, we want to drive into town, but our jeep doesn't move an inch. Apparently, we left the lights on and now the battery is empty, great! We don't have jumper cables, so I set off to ring the neighbors' doorbell and somehow explain in Spanish what we need. Down the street at neighbor No. 4, a mother opens the door, wanting to help me and maybe even can! She has an external charging battery that I can take with me. Her 8-year-old daughter loves that something is happening during the holidays and follows me closely, we immediately become best friends ;)

Unfortunately, the cable for the charging battery is too short, so I go back to the mom. Without hesitation, she unplugs the extension cable of the freezer - she doesn't have a cable roll. Her daughter Krishna and I trot back again. It's still not long enough, but there's still an extension cable in the second bedroom. However, it is screwed in. We need a screwdriver.

Hello, Mrs. Mother, do you happen to have a cross-head screwdriver? (Please imagine with a lot of pantomime, how am I supposed to know the word for screwdriver in Spanish?) Although the mom doesn't have one, she has a drill! That will do. Now the cable is long enough to reach the next power outlet. Now we have to wait. Krishna and I play soccer, she shows me her handstand skills and brings a pet to her mom with each lap: sometimes the dog "Gringa", sometimes the pet sheep "Princesa" - it's adorable! Unfortunately, the battery is not working well enough and we return everything borrowed with much gratitude - despite everything. In the meantime, Krishna introduces us to all the chickens, cats, etc. and shows us the planting area.

So the search starts again for someone with a car and jumper cables. That's when Roman meets the old neighbor Menece. Yes, he certainly has such cables and boom, 10 minutes later our jeep purrs like a cat!

It's already after 8 pm, but at least we have forgotten about the coronavirus for a few hours and experienced enjoyable moments with warm contacts. (And I will probably never forget the sheep gallop of Princesa) We make it to the restaurant and enjoy a delicious dinner with plenty of distance to everyone else. We are once again at Afrigonia, which is truly outstanding. It's nice when a day still holds so many positive (ha!) moments.

30.1. A lazy Sunday is on the agenda: we watch the end of the Australian Open, cook, zap through old Tom and Jerry episodes, snuggle up on the sofa or alternatively in bed with a book and laptop, I call loved ones and enjoy the great conversations and exchange! Oh, how I miss you...

So the day passes. The night is stormy and I wake up several times because the wind is pulling and shaking the little house so hard!? Once again, I am grateful that we chose the cabin and didn't stick it out in the rooftop tent.

31.1. In the morning, we take the second rapid test: positive - so we don't even have to try an antigen, that won't work. I am officially out of quarantine now. Nevertheless, hope is gradually fading: we can't get out of here! The car should go to Puerto Montt, but without an antigen or PCR test, we are at the mercy and the ferries are fully booked to travel up through Chile... But before we can delve into these issues, we have to move first. The house is rented out, so we go to a hostel. The "Xalpen" is very pretty and clean and we feel comfortable in our room. We also retreat here as much as possible and spend most of the time in the room with our phones, even more phone calls, and Netflix. Since we can't cook for ourselves here, we go to a pizzeria in the evening. The walk in the fresh air feels good and invigorates.


Warbixinaha safarka Chile