
November update

La daabacay: 29.11.2017

It's crazy how quickly time flies here. My third month here has already passed, bringing winter closer than ever. This was especially evident on November 2nd:

It snowed! (Best transition ever) There's not much more to say about it. There was a little bit of snow, not much, but enough to cover the ground. But it only lasted a few days.

With November came the end of volleyball season. On the 10th and 11th, we had a playoff game in Nanaimo. Since I couldn't play, I was a linesman throughout. I'm a pro at it now. Unfortunately, my team didn't qualify for the Island Championships. 1 1/2 weeks later, we had our official end-of-season celebration, with cake, pizza, and coke. Oh, and of course, volleyball games too. Overall, I'm really glad I was on the team. To be honest, deep friendships didn't come out of it, but I still enjoyed being a part of it.

After that, nothing else really happened for a while (well, I was in Victoria, but that's a whole different post).

On the 22nd, it was my birthday! People who know me know that I don't make a big deal out of it. But since it's my only birthday I would ever celebrate in Canada and it's also my 16th, I thought I should do something special. So I ordered an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen (fast food chain) and invited my friends after school.

On Thursday the 23rd, the North Island Drama Festival (NIRD) started, which was hosted by our school this year. It's basically a theater event where all the schools (in this case, from North Vancouver Island) come together, do workshops, have shows in the evenings, and just have fun. On Thursday, it was the Opening Night. My drama class opened it. We presented a poem as a large group. I had exactly 3 lines to speak, but even rehearsing for it was so much fun that it was worth it. Unfortunately, I couldn't participate in the actual festival because we went to Vancouver over the weekend.

For those wondering how track and field is going, I'm sorry to disappoint. It's not really going. The problem with training is that it's often decided the day before if there will be training and when.

Another problem was the weather. After it snowed at the beginning, there were many rainy days, with sunshine rarely peeking through.

Otherwise, I'm still doing well here. I have my friends and also some Canadian acquaintances. I even have a kind of tradition now with my international friends. Since Tuesday is movie day, we always go out for Chinese food and watch a movie afterwards.

That's pretty much all there is to say. Have you ever noticed that when you're feeling down, you have more to say because you feel like it's more important? Anyway, I'm doing well, that's the point I want to make :)

