
Dubrovnik - Balkan trip 2019

Rakabudiswa: 08.05.2023

After a little over 3 hours bus ride on this rainy day, we arrived in Croatia, where our next destination was planned: Dubrovnik.

As a die-hard Game of Thrones fan, it was a must-visit for me to see the city of King's Landing. The city walls, which rise up to 20 meters above the streets of the old town, have been part of the UNESCO World Heritage since 1979. Since the great hype by GOT, this city is on everyone's lips and attracts tourists from all over the world.


From Kotor, we took the bus at 10 am for about 20 €. With a delay of 1 hour, we arrived at Dubrovnik's bus station under rainy conditions, which is about 3 kilometers outside the city. Due to the bad weather and the unfriendly staff at the bus station, my mood was in the basement, so I decided to take a taxi for 20 (!!!) €, which took us to the Pile Gate. A little tip for you: Be patient and wait for the bus, it takes you to the city for 2.80 € ;)


Since we only planned to stay one night in Dubrovnik, we booked accommodation in the middle of the steep streets of the old town. The price is very high at 80 €, but acceptable for one night in the heart of Dubrovnik. Our host arrived after 30 minutes and opened the small studio for us. After a little refreshment, we set off to explore the city.

Main Street Stradun


After a stroll along the main street Stradun, we walked up to the city walls. The price of 20 € is outrageous, but we still looked forward to our tour above the city. From the walls, you have a beautiful view of the red roofs with the Adriatic Sea in the background. When you reach the southern wall, you overlook the roaring sea crashing against the steep coast. In the evening hours, the streets around Stradun get crowded and a nice atmosphere develops. As mentioned before, we chose accommodation in the old town. The next morning, the city was still asleep and we had the narrow streets to ourselves.

If you have the opportunity, take the chance and explore the city in the morning hours. We visited the Catholic Church "Saint Ignatius" and walked through the beautiful alleyways. After this day, we were glad to leave the city as it is very crowded due to its mass tourism and the prices are a bit outrageous.

Our journey continues to the last country of our Balkan trip:

Bosnia & Herzegovina


Mishumo yekufambisa Kiroshiya