


Alleine durch Europa - damit ich alle meine Eindrücke, Erlebnisse, die wunderschönen Orte und Aussichten teilen kann, beschreibe ich meine Reise hier als Blog. Natürlich mit einer Menge Fotos! Wer Tipps zu eigenen Reiseplänen sucht wird bestimmt auch fündig (ich werde versuchen zu jedem Ort ein paar Empfehlungen zu geben). Ich hoffe, der Blog bereitet euch Freude, gibt euch Einblicke in meine Version von "Backpacking" und lockt in euch ein bisschen Fernweh.

Where am I?

Where am I?

Here and there and everywhere - an overview of my current location

Paradise on Earth - Hot Springs in Iceland

The feeling of relaxing in hot springs is probably one of the best in the world

Island Day 7

Our day in the capital

Island Tag 6

Of enchanting beaches and the hunt for rainbows

Island Tag 5

We saw the place where ice and sea meet

Island Day 4

Water, rain and ice

Island Tag 3

An exceptionally wet day!

Island Tag 2

A day full of water - warm and cold and tremendous

Island Tag 1

An incredible start - our first day was full of fairy tales and beautiful weather

Island September 2022

The Land of Water: Iceland - beautiful and captivating


Spent a week on the beach in Wales and rested


My trip to the south of Ireland with its colorful city Cork and the impressive Ring of Kerry

Galway - Cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs of Moher give the feeling of being at the edge of the world, like in a fairytale book.

Galway - Aran Islands

A paradise right off the coast of Galway, which I explored on a horse-drawn carriage

Dublin Day 4+5

How I got to know Dublin and got closer to sheep

Dublin Day 3 - Forces of Nature

My Day Trip to Northern Ireland

Dublin Day 2 - Animal Great

The second day and it keeps getting better

Who am I?

Traveling through Europe - my impressions and photos summarized as a travel blog

Ireland - May 2022

Ireland - more than just green and cliffs