
Today was the first real vacation day. Unlike me, Samuel slept really well and his usual 12 hours, only at 06:00 in the morning, just when I finished the previous post and was about to fall asleep, the lovely and not very quiet bird started screaming or chirping or whatever you call it. Probably more like a call. And Dwarf Habacht was already sitting in bed next to me, fingers raised with a loud Ohhhhh Ohhhhh. Well then, just take a few more laps and carry him to sleep.

After breakfast, we tried to organize some kind of excursion, but we somehow didn't manage to. There was simply nothing that fit and so we decided to start a new attempt at the sea. Good plan. But Dwarf wasn't even remotely excited about it. He didn't even want to go down the stairs to the beach and made a fuss. So we tested the pool. Although I'm not a fan of pools, but you take what you get. And actually, with a lot of persuasion and jumping in the water, he agreed. Not even 3 minutes later, he was ecstatic. He circled the pool all by himself and swallowed about 3 liters of water because he only wanted to walk by himself and of course he wanted to look down into the water, but the water was too deep for that. Nevertheless, he had fun, and he was also excited about the swimming wings for the first time, and we couldn't get him out anymore. We also immediately confirmed the pseudo-paternity test. Samuel's hands and feet shrivel as quickly and extremely as Joe's. The two must be related, no mistake possible ;-)

After that, we went straight to the next restaurant outside the hotel and were surprised how delicious and beautifully the food was arranged, even though the place looked more like a third-world train station hall. In the evening, we once again took over Fisherman's Village, where a night market with all sorts of stands took place today. I love the Thai things, from the T-shirts to the elephants and everything possible. Except for the stands with the Adidas underwear, one stand was more interesting than the previous one. Only the food didn't really excite us again, but maybe we're too strict with the street kitchens or we choose the wrong dishes.


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