8th week. It can only get better.

प्रकाशित: 05.02.2020

Hotel for insects. (01/27/2020)As already announced, we went to the pest control operator again. He offered us another 'session'. Free of charge. Mathias and I discussed back and forth. We decided to give it another chance because we don't want to give up. So we decided to accept the offer and go to the hotel for two more nights. Only if the second time doesn't bring any improvement, we will travel to a German-speaking area. So we waited until 3pm for our laundry and prepared the motorhome. Now we knew how to pack, store, lift, store away, glue, etc. Well prepared, we drove the motorhome to the pest control operator. We parked it right in front of the door, because it was already 7pm again. In the meantime, we also booked the hotel. Then the three of us trampled through the industrial area of ​​Seville East with our luggage again, heading to the hotel. We had dinner in the motorhome. So Wilma went straight to bed.

Butt Bomb Tuesday. (01/28/2020)On Tuesday morning, we actually had to get up with an alarm clock. We set it for 7am because we had to bring the key back to the pest control operator. As early as possible so they can start quickly. So we had breakfast and then we walked our new favorite path, not back. We handed in the key. Return to the hotel. We had a plan. We wanted to use the swimming pool today. We didn't have swimwear with us during our first stay. This time we were prepared. When we arrived at the hotel, we changed and off we went. We were all alone. The pool was a bit outdated. But it didn't matter. We wanted to have fun. The water was relatively warm. The pool was okay in size. At first, we splashed around a bit. Wilma alternated between clinging to me or Mathias. She had arm floats on. Since I bragged the night before that I wanted to do cannonballs, it was time for me to fulfill that promise. At first, I was a bit scared. Mathias showed Wilma what cannonballs were and jumped into the water first. Then it was my turn. Oh God. Bravely, I went out and stood by the edge of the pool. Mathias showed me where the best place to stand would be (of course). Okay. I counted to three. But I was already flying when it was two. Hold my nose and splash. I was happy. I have no idea when was the last time I did a cannonball in my life. We couldn't stop. Wilma enjoyed watching her parents play. She got bored in the meantime and sat on the sun lounger with Ilse. The highlight of our little entertainment show was the jump together. Mathias and I counted to three. But I was already flying again when it was two. However, Mathias was not ready yet. When he arrived in the water, he scolded me. Alright, one more time and this time I'll really jump at three. Bam. Done. We giggled like little girls. Then we had enough. Back to the room. We took showers one by one and I wrote the blog for the past week. Slowly, hunger came over us. This time we booked without dinner. Waiting until 8pm was too long for us. We asked the reception for a recommendation. We understood something with Alfons right here on the other side. Alright. We crossed the street and saw the restaurant. It was quite busy. We took a seat. We felt like having meat. We ordered a grill plate for two. It took a moment. The wait was worth it. A large meat platter with delicious tender meat and grilled peppers stood in front of us. It was really good and very nice. However, it was also loud. Louder than a train station. Very Spanish indeed. After dinner, we went for a little walk. Wilma took one more bath. We ended the evening with a sip of Loersch.

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