6th Day - day 6 (for german scroll down)

Publicado: 12.04.2022

Actually, we wanted to pay the hotel bill on Sunday evening because we were supposed to continue our journey early Monday morning. The receptionist was quite surprised because he had us booked until Tuesday morning. A quick check confirmed that the nice receptionist was right... we had made a mistake with the dates! So we had an extra day in New York - hurray! This opened up whole new possibilities. We decided to delve deeper into the visit to Dumbo/Brooklyn, Tribeca, and Soho. We hadn't had a bagel yet, so we started the day with an incredible bagel that covered the day's calorie consumption in one go. Delicious. We took the subway to Brooklyn's Dumbo neighborhood, where Zoe felt hungry again! So we had a triple pancake with berries (one should eat healthy) and caramelized maple syrup. I could only wash this down with a cocktail - it was already noon, after all. Then off to Tribeca and Soho. Cool streets, shops, people - everything your heart desires. Zoe urgently needed sneakers from Veja. It was like in the best jet set times, with a long line outside and 2 people going out and 2 people going in all the time. We stood in line for an incredibly long time... But then we quickly bought the coveted shoes and Zoe was happily satisfied. Coincidentally, there was also a Bloomingdales in Soho - and there was also a restaurant with delicious frozen yogurt... and off we went for some fun! The grand finale was at Kazu Nori, a sushi bar where even Zoe didn't turn up her nose! Hurray, hurray. Conclusion New York: Tinder would say: "it's a match"!


On Sunday evening we wanted to settle the Hotel bill, as we thought we would travel further early Monday morning. The receptionist was quite surprised, as he had us booked till Tuesday morning. A quick check and yes the friendly receptionist was right.. we got the dates wrong! Great - so we had an additional day in New York - hurray! A whole bunch of opportunities presented themselves and we decided to deepen our visit at Dumbo/Brooklyn, Tribeca and Soho. One thing we didn't do yet was try a Bagel. We found this amazing place where they served a Bagel which covered a full day calory need! Yummy! With the tube we progressed to Brooklyn to the Dumbo area where Zoe felt a little hungry (!) So she had a triple Pancake with berries (had to be healthy) and caramelized maple sirup. I could only wash it down with a cocktail - it was lunchtime after all. Then we proceeded to Tribeca and Soho. Very cool streets, shops and people - we loved it. Zoe needed new sneakers from Veja. The que was immense - it was just like in the best times at Jet Set. 2 people out 2 people in. We waited a very, very long time.... But finally Zoe got the shoes she desired and was really chuffed. Coincidentally there was a Bloomingdales nearby with those amazing frozen Yogurt and guess what: sure we had to have some! And if that was not enough, we wandered to this great Sushi bar Kazu Nori where they did handroled Sushi, which even Zoe loved. Brilliant. So what do we think of New York?: In Tinder's words: "it's a match"!
