5. Day - day 5 (for English scroll down)

Publicado: 11.04.2022

Today we wanted to try another means of transportation: the bicycle. Download the app, enter all the details, put on a hat, and off we went into the hustle and bustle. But as soon as we reached the exit, a chilly wind blew around our ears, and we quickly decided to leave the bike behind, pull our hats down tight, and make our way to Central Park on foot (less headwind 😉). It was already quite busy for a Sunday morning. There was a women's marathon going on, all the dogs in the city needed to go, and the New York kids needed some fresh air. Impressive! At the level of the Guggenheim Museum, we left the park to join the queue for the Guggenheim Museum. It's always the case: you always meet someone from Engadine when you travel. And so it was – Adriano Pirola was standing in line – ueilali! A little hug, which made the people in front of and behind us spring up like little springboks. Just not too close. The museum was very impressive with many Kandinsky paintings. A museum guide was explaining the paintings to a group of children – that would have been right up my alley. I just stood inconspicuously next to the group and listened carefully: "Kandinsky translated music into paintings. Can you imagine what kind of music it was?"

I was about to raise my hand and shout: Free jazz combined with drugs. But I managed to hold back and kept on walking, because I was known in the Museum (Adriano & Zoe)!

After the museum, we headed towards Bloomingdale's on Madison Avenue. The New Yorkers who weren't in the park were brunching. That was great. So we went into Bloomingdale's and had a feast in a restaurant. It seemed to be a very trendy place for frozen yogurt. At the take-away, the employees filled the cups at least twice as high as the cups themselves, and the customers were beaming. We chose a menu that included frozen yogurt – yes, sometimes life is really tough. It was excellent! Our path led us further past the Rockefeller Center to the hotel. We became repeat offenders: dinner at Wolfgang's... Zoe needed a bit more protein. It's just crazy practical when everything is so "around the corner" 😊

Today we wanted to try a new means of transportation: a bike. We downloaded the app, entered all the details, wrapped up warmly, and set off into the buzzing streets. As soon as we stepped outside the entrance, an icy wind greeted us, and we quickly changed our minds: pull down our hats and walk to Central Park (less headwind 😉). Considering it was a Sunday morning, there was a lot happening: a marathon for women, all the dogs in New York needed to go, and the kids needed fresh air. Quite impressive. At the height of the Guggenheim museum, we left the park and wanted to queue to enter the museum. Like always, if one is traveling, you always bump into someone you know from St. Moritz. And so it was: Adriano Pirola – oh hellooo! A brief hug, which triggered the people in front and behind us to jump like springboks – not too close please. The museum was very impressive with loads of Kandinsky paintings. A guide was taking a group of kids around – perfect for me really. I was just a bit too tall and gray-haired for it. I tried to remain inconspicuous and closed to the group and listen carefully: "Kandinsky drew the music he heard. Can anyone imagine what kind of music that could have been?" I had to hold back from putting up my hand and saying: Free jazz combined with drugs? But I could hold back and continue with my walk – after all, I was known in the museum (Adriano & Zoe). After the museum, we walked down Madison Avenue towards Bloomingdale's. The New Yorkers who weren't in the park went brunching. Great idea. We entered Bloomingdale's and went to a restaurant on the 7th floor. It looked like a very popular place for frozen yogurt. They filled the cups at the take-away area at least twice as high as the cups themselves – the clients were really chuffed! We ordered a menu that included frozen yogurt – live is tough. It was really, really, really good. Then we continued, passed Rockefeller Center, and arrived at the hotel. For dinner, we were repeat offenders: back to Wolfgang's... Zoe needed protein. It's just so convenient – when everything is so "around the corner" 😊
