
Off to Down Under - Australia

خپور شوی: 23.12.2017

After months of anticipation and preparation, the time has finally come - Australia, here I come!

Next stop Australia
Next stop Australia

Ahead of me are 3 weeks in Australia, during which I will accompany the U24 women's national team in Ultimate Frisbee as a sports physiotherapist for a week, as well as two weeks in which I will explore and vacation together with Mareike (one of the players) the breathtaking landscapes of the West Coast of Australia from Perth to Exmouth.

Since I was often asked if I could send photos and reports, I thought I would make it a bit easier for myself and set up this blog.

I'm primarily writing here for my friends and family, but other readers are also welcome.

Months of planning are now behind me and the result: I honestly still have no idea what to expect.

It all started last year in the summer when I was with the German national team in Ultimate Frisbee as a sports physiotherapist at the World Championships in London.

There, I was asked if I wanted to take care of the U24 women's national team and come to Australia.

I wouldn't want to miss that opportunity.

That was followed by many sessions throughout 2017, where I was present as a physio during training camps and preparation tournaments.

Super prepared, we're now going to the World Championships where we will compete with the best in the world.

2018 World Championships U24 Ultimate Frisbee
2018 World Championships U24 Ultimate Frisbee

The passport, driver's license, and visa are ready, the flight is booked, and the insurance is taken care of.

So now, I can finally get started and my anticipation is simply enormous. On Monday, December 25, 2017, at 10:35 a.m., I will be taking Qatar Airways from Frankfurt via Doha to Perth!

I can't wait for it to finally start.

Next time I will likely check in from Doha.

In this sense, I'll say

Goodbye Germany, Down Under I am coming!


#australien#westküste #perth#weltmeisterschaft#frisbee#ultimatefrisbee#reisen