
Day 14 Jindalba & ice-cream & Cow Bay

Opublikowany: 09.07.2022

After our long last day we decided for a late and slow start: on the search for Cassowaries we walked at first the short Jindalba broadway walk. No Cassowaries to see, we decided to walk the longer 3km rainforest walk as well - again always looking out for Cassowaries...

We found lots and lots of Cassowary fruits - fresh & digested, but no Cassowary anywhere to spot.

For some refreshments, we were heading to the Daintree ice-cream company. We started with the tasting box of 4 different fruits (coconut, mango, wattleseed, black sapote) & and chocolate chips coconut cup. The ice-cream was very nice, so we had to stop Stuart from stealing all gelato. Just as we went to see all the fruit trees - they have a fruit tree garden with a little map and signs showing the fruits at all trees - Stuart discovered the banana tree, so we had to first stop here before eating another cup of ice: coffee & cardamom. With ice-cream on the way, we walked through the fruit garden and discovered how fruit trees look, e.g. of the star fruit and saw new fruit, e.g. breadfruit or red malay apple.

As the ice-cream place was really popular, the tasting cup we had, was sold out and there was a new one offered with my most favourite flavor: passionfruit - so we had to share another 4 scoop tasting cup of ice-cream. This stop turned out to be much more than just eating ice-cream, very enjoyable.

For the evening we were heading to Cow Bay for a beach walk. On the way we found a swing, that was installed on a palm tree - to go on the swing installed on a palm tree on the beach: the perfect holiday feeling...


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