Davina DiscoversTheWorld
Davina DiscoversTheWorld

today one year ago

Opublikowany: 21.08.2021

Hello, finally there is something from me again. I have been back home in Germany for 2 1/2 months now and my year abroad is over...

This post will briefly cover the last days in Ireland and a flashback from a year ago.

The last days

I didn't want to say 'goodbye' and just leave everything behind. But I would say I made the best of it:

I met up with a friend and we walked around Cork a lot - for the last time, for now, and we talked for a long time.

With my host mother, my double placement, and a friend, I then traveled to Galway from Friday to Sunday. We had a nice last weekend there and enjoyed our time together. We explored the city, went to the beach, and had a fun evening at a restaurant.

And on June 7, 2021, Monday morning, we left very early in the morning for Cork, where we boarded a bus directly to the airport (Dublin).

August 21, 2020

But now to the actual topic of this post:

Today, exactly one year ago, I said goodbye to my family and boarded the plane to Dublin, Ireland.

If I had known back then how much would still change spontaneously and what to expect in terms of host family and school changes, I probably would never have boarded that plane...

My year started with a two-week quarantine. Now, a year ago, I was standing in front of the first night in Dublin and everything was new and exciting.

In the last six months in Ireland, it got even better! I made more friends, did more things with friends, and in the end, I could even do more in general and see a few things.

As they say, 'You should stop when it's the most beautiful'? When I started the year, I really couldn't believe that it would be so difficult for me to leave in the end. I was shy and quiet and rather reserved. I somehow couldn't quite believe that you can build a new, completely different life and such close relationships in 10 months. Now I have experienced it myself and understand it 100%! And even if you, like me, are initially quieter, it works if you want it too!

I had a host family that helped me come out of my shell. And finding friends was not as difficult as initially thought. It took a while until I really saw them as real friends, but that's normal.

I went through so much, experienced and learned so much in that year and grew as a person; whether it was positive or negative at the time. And I wouldn't want to trade any of it for anything in the world!

I have settled back in Germany. I miss Ireland, my friends and family there, and the English language. Someday I will go back, visit everyone, and do everything that wasn't possible because of Corona. But I am still glad to have my German family and friends around me again.

What's next with the blog?

My plan is to continue the blog; mainly focusing on bigger, more exciting trips, for example when I go back to Ireland or if I ever travel the world with friends. But nothing is planned at the moment.

I hope you liked the post.

Your Davina

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