Quito-Love life!

प्रकाशित: 01.10.2017

Love life! I saw this sentence for the first time on a police vehicle in Ecuador's capital city, Quito. And indeed, it seems to be some kind of motto here.

Although sometimes it was not that easy for me.

Quito, the Andean city and UNESCO World Heritage Site. I could have figured out on my own that the streets are probably a bit steeper.

The love for life is sometimes replaced here by the motto, why simple, when it can be even more complicated. For example, with the fun 'Let's annoy the Gringo' game.

And this goes like this. We only give the Gringo 20 dollar bills and then let him try to pay with them. Well. It's stupid when no one has change.. and even more stupid when the banks don't have it either. Uhmm. A bank without change?

Well... The curse and blessing of the dollar make it possible. Ecuador has no own currency anymore since the big inflation. Since the emergency introduction of the dollar and the replacement of the sucre, the economy has become more stable but also more expensive. After all, the dollar has to be bought in the US.

Conclusion: Ecuador's purchase of its own currency costs the country billions annually. Because many banknotes are expensive, ATM machines only dispense 20 dollar bills. Tadaa!!!

Imagine the uproar if suddenly the beloved Swiss franc had to be bought in the EU.

Entrance to the government palace. Yes, they're real!
On the small hill, the Panecillo (German: roll), stands the 'Virgin of the Roll'. The representation of the Virgin Mary in the form of a guardian angel is based on the biblical story of the Apocalypse, where at the end of days the winged Mary descends to earth on a 'dragon'. Truly creepy to look at in foggy weather.

Less creepy: Tango performance in downtown Quito
Fruit and vegetable market
La Ronda! In the past, young lovers used to come here to serenade their ladies. Of course, after fortifying themselves with Canelazo (sugar cane and cinnamon schnapps). If the lady was impressed by the singing skills, the young man was allowed to present himself to her parents. If not, in the best case scenario, water was poured on the delighted boy, and in the worst case, a bucket of urine.

Ahh... and not to forget. Tourist-I'm going on a drinking tour-buses.

Monument of Ecuador's independence from the evil Spaniards.
Ecuador's history is bloody. Especially for presidents. Many were killed, sometimes more brutally, sometimes less. Either because they robbed the people, or because they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The basilica. A monument of Gothic church architecture. Those who are not afraid of heights, or at least brave, can climb the bell tower. Fun evasive maneuvers on the narrow stairs included.

For everyone else, a spectacular view awaits from solid ground.

But Quito doesn't only offer the city. Surrounded by partly still very active volcanoes, trips to the nearby surroundings are possible. For example, exciting 'Chäfi' shootings.

Because if Quito isn't high enough, you can hike at 3500 meters. A cable car
(el teleferico) leads to the nearby viewpoint with a view over the city and, in good weather, to the Cotopaxi volcano. Or you can observe nature. 
Like mountains..
Or rare animals like: The graceful llamas...
Birds (of course)
Other birds, photographing birds
Or the not so rare specimen of the selfie stick user in the wild.
And of course... wild dinosaurs.

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