
14th June 2018 Norddeich

MIVOAKA: 14.06.2018

Today we woke up to sunny weather, so we even had breakfast outside.

So we quickly moved on to Norddeich, where we stopped at a nice parking spot just outside of Norddeich. The weather here was still very good, but quite windy.

We strapped on our e-bikes and went to Norddeich beach to take a look around. As predicted, the weather got worse and we went to the meeting point for our planned mudflat hike in the rain. Unfortunately, many other participants cancelled, so this hike fell through due to a little rain, well tomorrow is another day.

Then we went to visit the seal breeding station and after dinner, we went to the sauna.

Overnight stay: Camping spot Womopark Norddeich 13 euros excluding electricity per night


Tatitra momba ny dia Alemaina