

MIVOAKA: 18.06.2023

If we had slight waves the evening before when we were swimming, the sea fell asleep overnight and did not wake up in the morning. Duck pond was announced as we set off for Leucate.

The crossing was unspectacular. The sun showed itself from its best side. The wind was at our back. The wind did not blow more than we had in speed, so there was no wind blowing under our canopy, it was hot and sleep-inducing. My first officer then replaced me at the helm for an hour. We covered the distance of 90 km in about 6 hours and arrived early at our new port.

Our first impression, beautiful harbor, 100% tourism, the core of the town is about 2-3 km away from our berth. We were allowed to keep the spot, which was at least somewhat reassuring. If we don't make any progress here for a few days, then the weeds have to be removed quickly, it shouldn't be a problem to bring the parts ashore alongside the wide dock.

But first we studied the weather forecasts, maybe there is even a small window that we can use to aim for the next port.


Tatitra momba ny dia Frantsa