
Ferry Victoria - Vancouver

MIVOAKA: 30.07.2018

Early in the morning it was already wake-up time. To get from Victoria (Vancouver Island) to Vancouver, we took the ferry from Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen. The route initially led through narrow fjords. You could think you were in Norway 😝... Of course, we also kept an eye out for orcas, but they were swimming in different waters 😏.

The crossing lasted just under 1.5 hours. So we were already on the mainland shortly before noon. In 'Tsawwassen Mills', a shopping mall, there was a car show going on. Berni went to see the cars in the parking lot and we girls took a stroll in the mall. At one end, there were actually comfortable armchairs arranged in a circle and there were many TVs hanging from the ceiling. That's one way to keep the men quiet while going shopping 😳😂! Right next door, there was a store called 'Hockey Life'. Every hockey lover's heart would beat faster 😊.

Then we set off for our last campground, the 'Burnaby Cariboo RV Park and Campground'. Here, we had to wash the camper, pack our bags, and clean the camper. As a reward, we borrowed 2 DVDs from the campground and finally got to use the TV in the motorhome.

Tomorrow, we have to vacate our home for the last two weeks by 10:00 am. It doesn't make sense to drive around with such a big vehicle in the city. So for the remaining days, we will switch to an apartment.


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