
Bye Cairns

MIVOAKA: 09.09.2017

It's currently 11:37 PM in Australia. In Germany, it's currently 3:37 PM and in other places, it's a completely different time. It's still quite difficult to adjust to this time difference when trying to Skype with family and friends... But soon, a routine will surely be established. 🌈

Here's what has happened in the past few days:

Yesterday, Friday, we had a pretty good day trip through the Rainforest in Australia.

We saw three incredible waterfalls:

The last two pictures were taken at Josephine Falls, which have become known for their small slide. You really have to respect such a current, but it was incredibly fun to swim there and try out this slide.

Our tour guide was super funny, and the group was great 👌🏼 We had really nice people from all age groups!

So, it's really recommended for anyone who happens to be in Cairns ;-)

Today wasn't as eventful. Just some errands for the next month full of adventures..

We visited the Rusty Marcet..

.. went to an art gallery...

... and admired this view from Cairns for one last time before it's time to say: Bye Cairns and hello to Magnetic Island 🇮🇸 ☀️.

But tomorrow, there will be a little special that hopefully will be worth it 😳. We'll keep you updated. 🤗