
MIVOAKA: 27.02.2017

It's spring here. Although it's often still -20°C overnight and there is a lot of snow, the days are getting longer and the sun shines even more beautifully. The weather is so nice that you don't want to go inside anymore. I think the sheep are done having lambs now. So there are still a few sheep that don't have lambs yet, but they will get them later. This week, we dewormed all the larger lambs and it was really complicated to separate the lambs from the sheep. On another day, we let a few sheep from the 'pen with the small lambs' into the pen with the larger lambs. That took forever because we had to find the mother and siblings for each larger lamb. It was a bit like Memory, except that we had to catch the lambs and sheep each time. And the larger lambs can run fast already. Then we gave all the cows medicine for some skin/fur disease, because some cows had spots where there was no fur. (I don't know exactly what it was) In any case, we had to bring all the cows from the pen and put them in a small paddock where they walked through a passage and we poured the stuff (the medicine) on their backs. And feeding the horses is always fun now. We feed the horses in a different place now and on the way there, we go down a hill. That means I can go sledding twice a day and still do something productive.

Since it's already the end of February now, I'll tell you what I'm going to do next: Laurie found a real ranch for me (haha, that was really convenient... I didn't have to do anything;). And now I'm going to Laurie's brother Henry's ranch. (he's the one who can chop wood so fast). I think that's really cool because I already know Henry and Aileen and I know that they are very nice. And the best part: I'll be there during calving season :) They have about 130 cows and they still have a lot of work with the horses. And they've never had a helper or anything like that before. It just happened by chance because someone in the family doesn't have time to help now. The only thing I don't know yet is when. Because I can only take the bus from Prince George to Williamslake, but it's still a 4-hour drive from there to the ranch. (you have to imagine that: you live somewhere where the nearest bus stop is four hours away). Well, now we're waiting for someone from the Williamslake area to drive towards the ranch and if that doesn't happen, someone will have to pick me up after all.

By the way, it took a long time to write this blog post because I'm sitting in the sun with the 'bottle babies'. And every now and then, one of them would come up to me, hop around on me, untie my shoelaces, bite my finger, or bite my phone and enter some weird letters. Now all the lambs are lying around me and sleeping. But now I also have to take breaks and pet them, and some lambs have really funny dreams :) These are the most extreme conditions.
