This magical Balilife
This magical Balilife

Tongasoa eto amin'ny Wonderland

MIVOAKA: 19.06.2017

Hello everyone, I'm checking in again :D

As I mentioned in the last post, we have FINALLY moved!! We weren't completely happy with our house in Canggu from the beginning. And now, as Anka's departure is getting closer and we won't need the three bedrooms anymore, we're slowly looking for some alternatives. Originally, we wanted to look for a 2-bedroom villa for Charley and me, but two friends from university (Carlotta and Lisa) were also looking for something new, so we decided to join forces and look for a bigger house.

Somehow, it all went much smoother than expected. After only three viewings, we found the perfect place for the next few months. And it was love at first sight! Such a crazy house... when you open the front door, it feels like being in Alice in Wonderland. Everything is colorful and fancy, with little details in every corner. Too bad I can't post videos, otherwise I would have given you a tour :) But maybe I can give you a rough impression with the pictures.

Unfortunately, we had to compromise a bit on the location. Canggu is amazing and we were very happy there. Now we live in Umalas, which is actually only 10-15 minutes away from Canggu by scooter. I don't want to say anything bad about Umalas! The longer we live here (almost three weeks now), the more I appreciate the location and we have everything we need in the area. I even have to leave for university 15 minutes later. And our amazing house makes up for everything. In contrast to the old one, everything is very bright and friendly here. We have a huge pool with a garden and an open kitchen + living room. My room and Anka's room are on the other side of the garden in a separate house. I also find it very pleasant to live with five people now. I didn't think I was the type for such a 'huge' shared apartment, but it actually works very well :). Actually, we are more like six people living together, because our friend Pascal, who lives only a few houses away, spends more time at our place than at his own.

Now that I think about it while writing, moving was really the best decision we could have made. It's halftime for Charley and me, and we're starting fresh again. At first, I thought, 'Damn. We knew everything in our area. We knew where it's nice and where it's not. Where we can eat and where we can't. And now we have to figure everything out again'. That's when the old Gina seeped through. I was never a fan of change. I always liked things the way they were. Everything was routine and safe. I liked feeling secure in what I was doing and where I was. But the new Gina loves changes - because changes enrich life. And even two weeks after the move, I already feel enriched by the new changes :).

Anka will soon fly back to Germany. It's going to be quite strange, because you get used to each other during three months of living together and I can't imagine the remaining time here in Bali without her.
When Anka moves out, Filip will move in with us. Filip also studies with Carlotta, Lisa, and me at GoBali and he's from Holland. It was very important for us to have another English-speaking person in the house for the remaining time, because, sad as it is, I speak mostly German in my everyday life here and that's not why I traveled to the other side of the world.

But now, here are some pictures of our new home:

The left door leads to Anka's room and the right door to my room. Behind me is the other part of the house, with the kitchen, the living room, and the girls' rooms. I would add another photo when it's tidy and Pascal isn't lounging on the sofa with a family-sized pack of ice cream ;).

The kitchen with the best view.

My room. Small but nice, with an open bathroom.

In the next post, I'll tell you about our trip to Amed :) See you soon!!


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