

MIVOAKA: 03.04.2023

After all the hustle and bustle, it's time to hit the beach. I could use one of the many islands for that, but I'd like to try the beaches on the sunrise side.

So, off to the beach - the accommodation is quickly found and unfortunately I arrived in the city by bus after sunset.
Now I just have to get to the beach.
25 by car.
Scooter rentals are already closed, but helpful locals are everywhere here.
And whoosh, I can jump into the sea in the evening. Yippee!

The next day I needed a new accommodation - that was a bit tough.
So off to the hostel - a 6 bed dorm for me alone and a balcony with sea view.
Yeah - jackpot!

Of course, I wanted to explore the world.
So I went on a scooter and explored the city and its surroundings.
The most important thing to do - get a train ticket to Bangkok.
There were actually not many left. Night train - 8 pm - xx am 2nd class, seat with fan - well at least the AC won't let me freeze and since I can sleep in any position luckily, maybe it won't be the night of my life, but hey.
Doing laundry as a weekly highlight - in Thailand, you have to buy the detergent yourself (in Malaysia it was already included) but the locals are quite helpful here too and simply buy the detergent and pour it into the washing machine. Very helpful.

As for food, something new came across my way again.

There was another temple to discover on the scooter and a bird observation park. But it was too hot for me that day.

Finally, it was time to pack up and try to catch the last bus. Since it left earlier than expected, there was again the joker of helpful locals transporting me on their scooter.
It is interesting to know that I am carrying 15 kilos on my back and 10 in my backpack on the front side. Carrying all of this on the scooter is no problem at all, but it takes some muscle strength!

At the market in front of the train station, there are plenty of snacks and off we go on the train.
At first, sleep was out of question, because even on the train, small snacks and drinks and full meals are sold and the vendors walk through the aisles and advertise their products loudly!


Tatitra momba ny dia TAILANDY