
Day 8: Workshop Day and Penultimate Concert

MIVOAKA: 20.10.2019

We had to get up relatively early again today: our workshop rehearsals at Pasadena College began at 9:30. Since many of the singers of the PCC Choir are hard-working students who also work on the side, the morning rehearsal was a bit LJC-heavy - nevertheless, we were still able to refine some details of the German Romantic pieces and do some final work on the (already almost perfect) text. Hats off to the language skills of our partner choir!

Warm up with Rodger Guerrero
Warm up with Rodger Guerrero

Rehearsing Lauridsen (Lux Aeterna)
Rehearsing Lauridsen (Lux Aeterna)

Even the conductor is singing
Even the conductor is singing

Today we took a closer look at two sections from Mortensen's Lux Aeterna with Rodger Guerrero. This time we focused mainly on feeling the music and sharing concepts that we associate with it: prayer and devotion, singing together as an expression of individuality, harmony and love. Later, we had time for a staging rehearsal of our program. Following the American tradition, we also sang some pieces from memory and got used to the quite demanding space - realization: it is really nice to sing with free hands and eyes, to communicate with each other, to work on details together and to adapt to different acoustics.

German-American tie tying
German-American tie tying

Last vocal warm-up before the concert
Last vocal warm-up before the concert

After a long afternoon break, the time had come: our penultimate concert of the tour at Pasadena City College. Even though almost half of the audience seemed to consist of our fellow singers and those affected by the increasing air conditioning: the remaining concert guests showed enthusiasm and rewarded us with warm applause and standing ovations. The respective "obligatory Whitacre" was very well done by both choirs and allowed us to feel a very special connection between the singers and the audience.

LJC in concert
LJC in concert

Both choirs singing together at the end
Both choirs singing together at the end

Closing photo
Closing photo

Bus selfie on the way to the after-show
Bus selfie on the way to the after-show

Celebrating in BG´s Brewery
Celebrating in BG´s Brewery

We ended the evening together in a brewery, tasting local beer, enjoying a great meal, and talking and having a great time with the members of our partner choir. Slowly but surely, we are wrapping up the tour, but tomorrow we still have one more concert - finally in a church!

Report: Berit Weingart | #LJCgoesUSA #LJConTour #saechsischerchorverband #simplysaxony
