
Second round Kandy

MIVOAKA: 13.11.2018

Today we are equipped with all necessary layers of clothing and can pass the strict security checks at Zahnpalast. Buy a ticket and then go barefoot into another world. Contrary to our assumption that the temple got its name from the many elephant tusks inside, the most important relic of the Buddhists is kept here. The left canine tooth of Buddha is stored in a small casket at this place. Hundreds of people pilgrimage to this holy place to lay down flowers as offerings. They are willing to stand in line for hours for this. Besides the waiting crowd, those who quickly place flowers on an altar are ushered past. In this flow of people, we manage to take a few impressive photos and are then pushed towards the exit. The ceremony is accompanied by three drummers who create trance-like sounds. The Buddhists wear all white in the temple and we explore the huge grounds with amazed eyes.

We have a lot planned for today and want to visit the Royal Botanic Gardens. However, the destination is not our highlight of the day, but the journey. We see a bus with the desired destination and rush in. Once again, we are in a pretty crowded bus, so we are positioned behind the bus driver. The locals look at us curiously. With a similar curiosity, however, we admire the bus. It's a PARTY BUS! The interior is decorated with intricate and vibrant graffiti. Silver accents adorn the handrails and rows of seats. LEDs blink on the walls everywhere, and fat bass speakers also adorn them. Modern techno beats and cover songs by Celine Dion and Co. resound from them, of course, accompanied by a video on a flat screen. Most extraordinary transport ever :) As soon as a seat becomes available, the conductor points it out to us.

The botanical garden is a small oasis of relaxation. A lot of peace and relaxation. What pulls us out of this state are the resident monkeys lurking on the paths, eager for prey. We become grass walkers to avoid crossing their path. However, animals that amaze us are a horde of fruit bats. They hang upside down from the branches like Dracula, protecting their faces from the brightness with their clawed wings. After this colorful garden, we have gained new strength and climb to the Buddha statue in Kandy. Above the city, a radiant white Buddha towers 30 meters high. In the lotus posture, his hands rest on his knees, and his head is lowered. His upward gaze towards the newcomers creates a feeling of humility and intimidation. This brightly illuminated image with the black night sky as the background is an incredibly captivating scene. We also light an oil lamp and hope for a wiser life after death. Although I do not believe in reincarnation, it can't hurt either :)
