
The end of an incredible journey

MIVOAKA: 20.12.2018

So this is my final entry in this blog. I thoroughly enjoyed the three days at Bang Toa Beach. And I still can't believe that this incredible journey is actually coming to an end.

Once again, I return to a beach that I really liked. It's not far to Surin Beach by bike, so I set off after a mango breakfast. Unfortunately, I didn't have as much luck with the weather. But after enjoying a fortunate weather throughout the trip, it's manageable. You can use a rainy period, for example, for a massage on the edge of the beach. The sunbeds are covered and the rain is over after an hour of kneading. I use the next rainy period for eating. A section is covered with various umbrellas, so you can wait here comfortably and get full at the same time. I will really miss Thai food. Since the weather doesn't improve on this day, I set off again with my bike. The fruit vendor waves goodbye cheerfully and I reach my accommodation soaking wet. The good thing about rain in Thailand is that it's warm and refreshing. In the evening, I find a small food market and then slowly start packing the first things in my backpack.

On the following day, I spend my time again at Bang Tao Beach. If the weather is changeable again, the way back to the accommodation is shorter. And of course, this day pleases me again with plenty of sunshine, so I spend the hours at the beach. The water is pleasant and the quite large waves not only make the little swimmers splash around. I stroll back to the bike along the beach and realize that I don't have the feeling at all that I'll be leaving tomorrow evening. I'm incredibly excited to see my family, but ending the journey from one day to the next is strange and a bit incomprehensible. But I still have a morning and afternoon at the beach tomorrow. I chose my last stop so that the airport is close by and I have a little more time.

So I spend the very last day at the beach in glorious sunshine and treat myself to one last portion of mango and phad thai. Ultimately, I want to buy some tamarind, but my lack of knowledge about the appearance of this spice makes this task difficult. My host translates and practices it with me in Thai and then sends me to the shop next door. In the village shop, three women stare at me with questions after I say my rehearsed sentence and answer 'beer'??? Okay, I'm linguistically challenged, but this much? Well, eventually they understand what I want and are visibly amused by my pronunciation. An accompanying grandma practices with me again, but it doesn't get any better. I've grown fond of the three ladies since the first day because they always waved at me when I rode by. Fully loaded, my guest host takes me to the bus stop on her scooter. Unfortunately, it doesn't come, so I take a taxi to the airport. There, I find out that I have to pay for my luggage. My travel budget is now more than empty, so these extra costs hurt. With my last baht, I buy myself an ice cream and console myself with the thought of soon embracing my loved ones again. Now it's time to go home!

Along the way, thank you for reading and experiencing it with me. I hope you had a lot of fun following my journey...I definitely had a fantastic time and would do it all over again.

Your Lisa
