
Locarno to Bra

MIVOAKA: 03.04.2019

- We spent the first night in the tent just outside Locarno. We had pleasantly warm temperatures during the day and cool nights, but cozy.

- Now we are in Bra (Piemonte) and spending a few days with Safiye (Jasmin's daughter), who is studying at the Slow Food University here. We have already booked the hotel from home, via the internet. We were slightly confused to find the hotel as a construction site, but the inside is quite okay.

The fresh market purchases are prepared for dinner at Safiye's place.

The delicious Slow-Food restaurant/store 'Local' is our little food supply point in Bra. The place mat shows that here the farmer is the top chef and the farmer's wife has all the threads in her hands. Hopefully, she also gets a decent salary for it.

Valio (2)

Uebernachten im Zelt - wohlig warm im Schlafsack Blue Kazoo von North Face und eingepackt in einem feinen Daunenjäggli - und lesen bis Mitternacht - einfach wundervoll!

Herrlich entspannte Bilder! Freue mich auf mehr! Tschou zäme. :) S Schwöschterhärz